Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Blizzard: Good Customer Service
Puni/Void 08:19 5th August 2008
Recently I was about to install Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos again. It's been a long time since I last played it, so I thought I should give it ago.

During installation, the CD had errors. I tried cleaning it, but to no avail. After a long time of trying, I gave up.

Then I visited Blizzard on the web. I was surprised to see that you can register at their site and download the games directly from them.

So, I registered myself and wrote in the licence keys for Warcraft 3 and the expansion pack. Then I could download them with a click of a button.

- That is what I call customer service. No need to get a new CD or anything, just register your game and download.

Now I'll make a backup CD just to be on the safe side.

PS: The game now launches directly from HD, no CD needed at all to play it.

Thanks Blizzard!