Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Blizzard: Good Customer Service
Puni/Void 08:19 5th August 2008
Recently I was about to install Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos again. It's been a long time since I last played it, so I thought I should give it ago.

During installation, the CD had errors. I tried cleaning it, but to no avail. After a long time of trying, I gave up.

Then I visited Blizzard on the web. I was surprised to see that you can register at their site and download the games directly from them.

So, I registered myself and wrote in the licence keys for Warcraft 3 and the expansion pack. Then I could download them with a click of a button.

- That is what I call customer service. No need to get a new CD or anything, just register your game and download.

Now I'll make a backup CD just to be on the safe side.

PS: The game now launches directly from HD, no CD needed at all to play it.

Thanks Blizzard!
Harrison 08:27 5th August 2008
That is very good. Great support definitely makes people more inclined to purchase original copies of games.
Demon Cleaner 08:56 5th August 2008
Indeed very great support, usually customer services suck.
v85rawdeal 08:40 6th August 2008
Just goes to show that Blizzard appreciate the people who make them money!
Demon Cleaner 08:41 6th August 2008
Originally Posted by v85rawdeal:
Just goes to show that Blizzard appreciate the people who make them money!
And that's exactly the way it should be.
Puni/Void 09:47 6th August 2008
Which can not be said about some other companies, like EA for example.

Blizzard is stilling running ladders and tournements for Warcraft and Starcraft, even if these games are getting older every day. EA on the other hand have a tendency to "forget" doing anything with their RTS games after a while. I remember this because of Generals and all the problems with the multiplayer feature, along with lack of tournements and ladders.