Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: Oh my giddy aunt!!!
v85rawdeal 02:02 2nd August 2008
I cannot believe it, I shall not beleive it, I do not beleive it.

It's happening... It's FINALLY happening!!!

This is big, nay huge... nay Ginormously big and huge!

FRAGGLE bleedin' ROCK - The Movie!!!
burns flipper 06:12 2nd August 2008
Oh man! We even had the vinyl soundtrack to this baby! Where they all sing songs from the show!

They don't make 'em like they used to.
[Reply] 07:40 2nd August 2008
Down at fraggle rock
Grab a fraggle, by the cock
Throw it in the air
Catch it by it's pubic hair
Bang on the grass
Shove a chain-saw up it's ass
Turn the power on
Where's the ****ing fraggle gone!
Buleste 09:05 2nd August 2008
It's not going to be quite the same now that Disney ownes Jim Henson Productions.
Harrison 09:25 2nd August 2008
I loved that series. I bet they do something crap like make it rendered 3D, or even worse, make it like Fraggle babies, or whatever that shit cartoon was called. The only true Fraggle Rock is one with puppets!
Buleste 09:53 2nd August 2008
You're thinking of Muppet Babies. A concept that is still en vogue as there is a Looney Toons babies cartoon out and that makes Muppet Babies look like a work of genius.
Harrison 10:28 2nd August 2008
Were fraggle babies in the Muppet babies one? I'm sure I've seen one with baby Fraggles, not Muppets.
v85rawdeal 11:24 2nd August 2008
More info can be found here but there is only a little mention about Fraggle babies.
Buleste 11:33 2nd August 2008
I've just been looking on the net and there was an obscure series called "Little Muppet Monsters" but thats the only other baby muppet show and that had 18 episodes made and only 2 aired because it was so bad. AFAIK Fraggle babies didn't appear in Muppet Babies.

Just to whet the appitite go here for the US intro to Fraggle Rock (notice theres no lighthouse its Sprocket with an old geezer in a shed).
v85rawdeal 11:38 2nd August 2008
And here is the intro to the animated Fraggle Rock (which could what people are thinking of)

And even more on the strangeness front...

I would tell you what it is but that would ruin the surprise!!!
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