Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: Elite IV on it's way (eventually)!!!
Merlin 11:49 2nd August 2008
Have any of you others actually played Oolite? It's like original Elite on steroids, in proper 3D and there are loads of add-ons to take the game anywhere you want, it even has it's own Wiki.
Buleste 12:50 2nd August 2008
I'd never heard of it before but after visiting here I'm definitley going to give it a try.
Agram 14:10 27th September 2009
As it's the 25th Anniversary of Elite I was looking for Frontier First Encounters, and found this instead. It's long over due.

On another forum I found mention of Evochron Legends demo that is meant to be a good comparison to Elite, but with newer graphics.
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