Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: A600 console with some keys outside the case...
Tiago 14:17 25th July 2008
with this A600 i got, i am thinking of creating a console using a DVD case, of old VHS case. I will put the Mboard in it plus floppy, compaq flash as HD but i dont know what to do with the keyboad. I dont want the keyboad (well actualy, my GF dont want it) so i will build somethink that dont look like a computer like a DVD player with a A600 inside.

But what about the keyboard? If i dont plug it some games that ask for "press a key" will not work.
Is it possible to create some extensions of certain keys, like Enter and Esc to outside the case..... dont call me crazy, i bet a great tecnition can do it, but i am not one ... is it possible?
Harrison 14:43 25th July 2008
You could use the keyboard controller and the existing keyboard matrix and hack into it to connect keys on the new case to specific keyboard keys.

However have you considered using an Amiga to PC keyboard adapter? And then you could connect a PC keyboard to the back of the system if needed, or even connect a wireless keyboard up and use that.
Zetr0 15:01 25th July 2008
there are plenty of Amiga to PC adapters, but one you could consider is an Infrared capable one, there are many projects on Aminet that can help you with this, from this you could use a small laptop keyboard in a custom housing as the controller.

Also you can get your Joy/Mouse ports configured for IFRD as well that way you can do the CDTV method of plug the mouse and joy into the controlling keyboard and sit comfy in the knowledge your spanking the enemy / close friend from a very safe distence

about 100 ways to hack this to happen my friend, so it really comes down to what you need and how you want to implement it.

I am building an A1200 with 060@50+64MB RAM with 4MB Cybervision64 3D/Mk2 RTG graphics, 4MB wave Table + 16bit prelude sound card (prelude clockport) internal wireless network card, DVDRW and 20GB HDD into a HTPC chassis,

it will also include the follwoing features

Wireless Keyboard / Mouse / Joystick(s)
20*4cell blue backlit LCD Display
Removable SD / CF media
2x Custom Zorro Ports
Internal PSU
Tiago 15:38 25th July 2008
Zetr0 i understand exatly your point, but my girlfriend doesn't. Computers and the living room are not compatible. Theres is no way that i can leave a keyboard there, wireless or not.... ok, ok, i know that thing of "are you a man or a mouse?"... i am a mouse, ok?

so, the only way is getting a nice dvd box, with the A600 Mboard inside, where you can't see any periferical (only a small joystick). So if i can get 2 or 3 keys outside maybe i can change the way they look and place them in the outside of the dvd case....
Harrison 15:43 25th July 2008
But with a wireless keyboard/mouse you could just put the keyboard away when you are not using it. I don't see a problem with that. Stand up for yourself and tell here it is going to be in the living room! You could always smooth the way with a compromise. Is there something she wants in the living room that you have so far refused?
Tiago 16:17 25th July 2008
he he he,
it may work....