Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Games and souvenirs
my_lo 08:18 29th July 2008
I've been trying the whole week-end but i just can't complete it with only one life. Those damn toasters or the lamps always get me one way or another, grrr. Next week, i'm on holidays and my x-arcade should be delivered. I'm so gonna play for hours, i hope that i'll improve my skills... Thanks for the witch tip but i already knew it. If i get close to your score i'll post a screenshot here

@Harrison: I had a bit the same thing with the game "after burner", i was used to play it at a friend's place on his sega but he couldn't stop telling me how much greater it was with the original arcade one, with the cockpit that reacts when you move...
In my hometown, there's a street fair that comes every october and stays the whole month. There was always plenty of luna parks and i could finally try the original after burner, it was fantastic. Many years later, i was in London when we discovered some gigantic arcade room on the top floor of a gallery. There was a few virtual video games, it was pretty funny but there was also an after burner 360°. Basically, it's the same cockpit but you must use a safety belt because he turns completely (head upside down). It was amazing and we stayed in that place the whole afternoon, spending all our coins on that game... It was great!