Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Games and souvenirs
my_lo 07:48 25th July 2008
Did it ever happen to you to love a game not because the game is great but because the first time you've played it, it was a great moment of your life? For example:

Psychic 5: I think that i was 14 years old when i first played that game. It was an arcade at the spanish hotel of that year's summer trip.
First, those holidays were great, i was only interested in swimming in the pools and in the sea, eating pizzas and playing videogames. At the beginning, the game didn't really interested me that much but one day, there was that german guy who was apparently on his last day at the hotel and he completed the game with only 3 coins, i stayed beside him all the way, i was amazed. During the rest of the holidays, i've spent most of my pocket money in that arcade. When we came back in belgium, we (with my bro) have tried to find Psychic 5 for amiga. I've checked a lot of game listings, called shops and finally gave up. Until one day, years later, someone told me about Mame and it's huge list of compatible games. I quicly jumped to the letter P and i found it. It was outstanding to hear those musics again and to find back those characters. Since then, i'm pretty much devoted to emulation and retro-gaming.

Another world: I was 17 years old and i was getting my amiga games via a neighbour. He had a deal with someone who was receiving all that was being released for amiga. You could buy a magazine and spot any soft, demo or game, the guy had it. Every friday, i was spending my evening in my friend's bedroom, copying his copies while testing with him the latests news.
It was always a great time, all the excitement around the new stuff. But one of those evenings has been way better then the others. That day, we received "Another world". When all the copies were done, it was already late and i had to get back home, we didn't have the time to give it a try.
As i was walking back to my parent's house, a huge storm was about to start. It was the moment before, when you can feel electricity in the air. There was wind and lightning without thunder, you could hear stuff like empty cans flying in the street. The storm only started when i was already back in my bedroom. The first thing i did was to insert the disk 1 of the game in my amiga 500 and to watch the intro in the dark.
Amazing coincidence, it also starts with wind and lighting, just before the experiment completes and throws us into... another world! The game and the storm together, man that's a night i will always remember.

I have plenty of other stories like that but those two are the ones that have marked me the most. And you, are there also games that you still play/love not only because they're great but because they are linked to a great remembrance?
Demon Cleaner 09:12 25th July 2008
Hey, that is great to hear, that you played Psychic 5. I played it in a pub in my hometown, played it all the time, and soon began to get a huge amount of points. There was another guy, also playing the game, and he had a score above 5.000.000 points. So I had to train a bit, and finally I managed to beat his score. This is no joke, I got over 6.000.000 in Psychic 5. The key for getting so many points is the following:

First you must be able to get to the last boss with only 1 life, which indeed is very hard, but not impossible. There are 6 stages in all, and at the end of each stage, you have to fight a big guy sitting on a throne (or chair, can't remember). So you fight through until the last boss in stage 6, then hit him constantly until 1 or 2 more hits would kill him, but instead of killing him, let yourself get killed, and begin the whole scenario (final boss) from the beginning with your lifes you have left. When you only have 1 life left, do the same again, but this time finish the boss off. When you do all this, you get a lot of points, thus gathering over 6.000.000 points.

Best tactic for the last boss, is using the old man, as he can float very long in the air
Harrison 10:43 25th July 2008
Double Dragon 2: This game holds some great memories for me. I first encountered the arcade machine in one of my regular visits to the big arcade they have in Portsmouth (Southsea). I used to go there with a couple of friends about once a month. First by train, and then once one of my friends could drive we went a bit more regularly.

We played the game in that arcade for a while and really enjoyed it. Then a few days later I was in Salisbury and went into a chip shop to discover they also had a Double Dragon 2 machine in there, and as I went to Salisbury much more often then Portsmouth that was great. I used to plan to buy fish and chips there most Saturdays so I could play the machine with the friend. We ended up completing the game in that chip shop, which was an amazing feeling.

Then we got hold of the Atari ST version and played that for a long time at home, completing it a few times. Sadly I never really played it much on the Amiga, because by the time I owned one the game was already a few years old and many other games were out to be played.

Gauntlet 2: Very similar story. I first discovered this in the same arcade, but we never played it as much in the arcades as we did double dragon. We did however used to play it at least once every time we visited. However when I first got hold of this game on the Amstrad CPC we did try to complete it. With a friend who lived down the road we played it solidly for over a week. We paused the game as it had no save feature and dimmed the brightness and contrast on the monitor as low as they would go while we were at school, and then played it all evening every night. Imagine our disappointment when we got to the end of the final level and the game looped back to the first! Nooooo! Still... it is a great memory.

Elite: I first discovered this at school with the original Acorn BBC Master version. We used to play it at lunch time and often during IT and Maths classes. Addicted to the game for a long time.
Demon Cleaner 10:52 25th July 2008
Just found a post where I mentioned the first games I played, and I was also mentioning Psychic 5. Here's my post:
Originally Posted by :
I played a lot of the old arcade games, beginning with Asteroids (in Italy 1979), Space Invaders and PacMan (both on table tops), and then Phoenix (also table top), Time Pilot, Rally X, Rock'n Rope, Pengo, Galaga, Xevious, Exciting Soccer, Passing Shot, Elevator Action, Spy Hunter, Tron, Gauntlet, Yie Ar Kung Fu and many more.

Later I played a lot of Kick'n Run (Mexico 86), and I loved it. At the same time I played Psychic 5, which is still now one of my favorites, I think I mentioned it more than once here on the boards (old board), and always told you to test it (@Harrison). I managed to get over 6.000.000 points in that game, which was of course the high score in my home town for several years.

Harrison 11:27 25th July 2008
You know what. I've still not played it! Will make a note and give it a play in MAME later tonight.
my_lo 12:19 25th July 2008
@ Demon Cleaner: You are probably the first person that i know (besides my brother) who knows Psychic 5 from the past. Now I'm seriously impatient to be back home and to play it the way you told me But i must tell you that i'm not really sure to be able to complete it with only one life.

@ Harrisson: About completing games in a food shop: In front of my college, there was a sandwich bar and, in the back, they had mortal kombat. I've been skipping school soooo many times to play that game, i even once got out of the religion class by the window, runned to the game for a few coins and jumped back to my seat without even that old priest to notice that i was gone. Later i could complete the game with only one coin, those were the cheapest lunchtimes i ever had