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Poll: Would you like a PPC Amiga?
Would you like a PPC Amiga?
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    Thread: Who would like a PPC Amiga?
    J T 10:38 22nd December 2006
    Is OS4 out yet?
    Harrison 11:35 22nd December 2006
    Originally Posted by Stephen Coates:
    And you can run OS4...

    And all the OS4 PPC software.
    I've only used and really ever kept up with classic Amiga software, but if you have time Steve would you create a topic in the Amiga Software forum about PPC Amiga software and give a quick rundown of what is available?

    I for one would find it interesting to see what is available and it might also give others reasons for wanting a PPC powered Amiga.

    Also if you know the key software available, and in development, for OS4 a topic about that would be useful too.

    In fact I will create the topics now, so Steve, or anyone else with information can post in them.
    Harrison 11:39 22nd December 2006
    Originally Posted by J T:
    Is OS4 out yet?
    AFAIK it is still in beta and STILL not released as a final product.

    The official OS4 site can be found at
    Stephen Coates 17:37 22nd December 2006
    Hopefully it will be released properly within the near future, although we have been saying that for several years now.
    TiredOfLife 04:56 24th December 2006
    You can have a sound card without PPC.
    Some classic software is for PPC only so it's an advantage to have one.
    You can have more memory in a Shark than a normal accellerator.
    Also faster memory.
    sarek2k 02:47 27th January 2008
    I voted no because i left the Amiga scene before all the ppc stuff came along so you don't miss what u never had

    and besides i am sick to death of playing the keep up with pc's game so much so i've stopped playing anything new, and it would take a real special game to get me intrested again and that does not mean any FPS shooter ever!

    the reason i put the bit in about pc's is to show i wanna go BACK if anything not forward!
    Graham Humphrey 09:32 27th January 2008
    No because I don't think there's any software for it that really justifies all that money. I'm happy enough with my '040-equipped A1200 and my PC so I don't feel I'm missing out on an awful lot.
    Zetr0 15:06 27th January 2008
    Hmmm personally, i am unsure where to vote on this one...

    my instincts tell me to vote no, as GH above states theres very little software to run on it.

    however my love for linux would see me attempting to right a specific linux distro for the classic amiga + ppc

    hmmm why didn't they bring out an x86 card.... just one with a mini PCI port on it.... sigh.... if only eh?
    Buleste 15:32 27th January 2008
    I have a PPC and most the times under standard os they are a rip off as WarpUP and PowerUP are enslaved by switching between both processors. I'm currently trying OS4.0 Classic so not had enough time to say if it's any good.
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