Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: GameBase Amiga 1.6
Demon Cleaner 08:10 19th August 2008
Oh yeah, sorry, you need to be VIP or staff member to access that page.

Originally Posted by :
We really need to press ahead with creating screenshots for the site to try and get as many completed as we can. I think having a load of decent screenshots on the site for each game is a very important thing as visitors are attracted more if they are in place.

When making screenshots, run WinUAE in 640x512 or something around that size so the screenshots are a decent size. Make sure WinUAE is saving them in PNG format as this will create good quality images that will not be too large in filesize. Also a good tip is to rename your game ADFs to something that makes sense as the image files will take the ADFs name and this will save you having to rename then later. For naming don't use spaces, instead use underscores _ if needed. Just give the files the name of the game followed by _001 etc...

Once screenshots are completed, if you have direct editing access to the main site (staff or moderators) then please add the screenshots into the pages. Or if you are VIP level please upload them to the uploads FTP and then post in this thread to let us know they are ready to be added to the site.

Post the letter you are working on, so that others don't start making screenshots for the same games. I will then update the list below to show which letters are currently actively being worked on.

my_lo 09:32 19th August 2008
Originally Posted by :
Once screenshots are completed, if you have direct editing access to the main site (staff or moderators) then please add the screenshots into the pages. Or if you are VIP level please upload them to the uploads FTP and then post in this thread to let us know they are ready to be added to the site.
If you are not staff/moderator/VIP, you can't upload them neither can you access the thread with the list to tell the others the letter you are currently working on, right?
So how do we know which screenshots to make and how do we do to upload them?
Demon Cleaner 10:31 19th August 2008
Originally Posted by my_lo:
So how do we know which screenshots to make and how do we do to upload them?
Look at the main site which games haven't screenshots yet, then if you made some, post it, and Harrison will surely tell you where to upload them, or even give you another member level.

Read here for full information:
Puni/Void 11:50 19th August 2008
Glad to see you wanting to help out, My_lo. We need all the assistance we can get!
Harrison 12:51 19th August 2008
Yep, just look through the site and find some games that don't currently have any screenshots. And once you have created them PM me and I will give you details on how to upload the files.

Make sure screenshots are in 8-bit PNG format as this retains all of the original colours from the game and keeps the filesizes small.
my_lo 13:09 19th August 2008
Okidoki, thanks for the details ^_-
phibel 10:22 18th March 2010
Hello everyone,

I know, it's an old thread, but if somebody of you is still active here, couldn't someone please send me an invention to UG? This would be so kind, because I'm trying for ages to get the full GameBase 1.6 downloaded and UG seems to be the only possible source. Many thanks in advance!
Harrison 11:28 18th March 2010
Sure. I can send you an invite. PM me your email address.
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