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Thread: Old Skool Hackery Update
v85rawdeal 15:22 5th July 2008
Same here, might see me get some more use out of the xbox again.
sarek2k 02:12 8th July 2008

The soft mod could either go very well or very bad i've experienced both sides

I did a few softmods for myself and a few friends however it turned ugly for a few reasons!

As with all this things is a lot of reading between the lines with any mod some stuff i understood and some i didn't!

since i got xbox way back when i've had 3 consoles 2 bought and 1 given to replace a stuffed one the 2nd bought one was only 20 quid so a bargain

Anyway my first original xbox i had for many years it had one of the earlier modchips i can't remeber what it was called but it worked flawlessly for years i only gave it away when i discoverd softmod!

however it is possible to **** up a soft mod and i did just that!
on my install is several ways to **** it up 1, unlock the hdd 2, run one of the last games which can replace your soft mod files. 3, do what i did experiment and see what the linux option on slayers evox does.

to get me out of the shit (my xbox is my media hub to tv and it's ****ing brilliant for that!)

To fix my **** ups Zetro installed a mod chip Executor 2.6 on the xbox mobo i sent him! he did a fine job and my wife is watching star trek tng on it as i speak streamed from this pc.

I can't remeber how much it cost me now but i sent the mobo to zetro well packaged and a lot lighter than in the xbox i stripped all the weight down to xbox mobo with 1 heatsink i managed to remove the processor one. And i re-assembled it this end after 1 or 2 hiccups and a reflash by our man in the know (Zetro) it works brilliantly!

What i'm saying harrison is do what i did and Zetro will sort you out!

Sorry for this topic getting well off topic
Zetr0 07:51 8th July 2008

looks like my m8 Sarek is Pimping me out
Demon Cleaner 08:26 8th July 2008
I have an XBit chip in my XBox, and that one works like a charm, recommended
Harrison 12:11 8th July 2008
Is it safer to mod an Xbox with a real mod chip, or with a softmod?

I'm currently wanting to try the softmod method, but as there is a danger of bricking my Xbox I might try and obtain a cheap second Xbox to experiment on. So that if anything does go wrong I have my original to continue playing original games on (as I do own over 60 original Xbox games).
Zetr0 12:20 8th July 2008

I am a firm believer in Hard Modding, softmodding can fail at anytime, for any reason, and when it does... theres very little you can do about it, other than to hard mod it...

depending on the version of XBox its not that difficult, the 1.0 to 1.5 are by far the simplest to do, the 1.6 /b-c are a little more chorsome but after the Wii D2C drive i have new outlook on difficulty levels LOL

The beauty of a hard mod is that you can turn it off and run a regular xbox when you want to, (for your live play or what ever) and the even more of a beauty is the fact you can copy the games to the hard disk and play them from there!!!

I was giving r0jaws a spanking on Rouge Agent 2 player split screen the other night!!! awesome fun! it played stright of the HDD and by gods it boots quicker!

my m8 Yorkie has about 60 XBox games installed on his XBox hard disk, not to mention the 1,200 Megadrive games, 800 SNES games and aproximately 300 N64 games installed to just pick up and play...

the XDream 128 project is going to have a 500GB disk in it, this will have everything MAME as well as XBox / DosBox / Amiga AND Playstaion 1 games

To me atleast the only way to go is Hard Mod, others sware by soft-mod, but from what i can read, these are flakey beasts ready to crap out at te drop of a hat, and you dont get the FULL features on offer that you can get with a Hard Mod.
Harrison 15:20 8th July 2008
What about the solderless hardware mods? Have you ever tried those or think they could be a good solution?
Zetr0 17:07 8th July 2008
Originally Posted by Harrison:
What about the solderless hardware mods? Have you ever tried those or think they could be a good solution?
From what i have seen there good, however fiddly to install... and then there over priced compared to 10 minutes with a soldering iron

if you are worried m8y, just do what Sarek2k did and post me the XBox motherboard and chip Oh and enough for return postage m8, I dont mind doing it for friends , I can recommend a good mod-chip for you as well

Like the Xecutor 2.6CE its a great deal for the price and has all needed / wanted the features of the Xecutor 3 but at a lot cheaper price!

£19.50 mod-chips store

£19.99 Kanection mod-chips this is where Sarek2k and got them from they are slightly cheaper on postage as well so it kinda all works out the same as Modchip-store

What might interest you, for an extra £10 (£29.99)basically you can have the Xecutor 2 AND the solderless adapter luscious linkie

either way its all swings and round abouts, I am using a couple of DuoX 3's (DuoX2 clones) but I would suggest that these are soldered to the board so they are a little more complex than the others.

Which ever you decided H, i can do the mod on the board for you, program the mod-chip and provide you an install CD with full install instructions
Demon Cleaner 18:19 8th July 2008
I bought an XBit chip from DMS Technologies as I had already good experiences with the DMS chips for the PS2.
Harrison 23:33 8th July 2008
I will look into this some more tomorrow and let you know. I might just take you up on the offer as I've wanted a modded Xbox for some time. I might however need to wait for a bit as I'm currently spending my extra pocket money on the A1200 project.
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