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Thread: Tosec to Gamebase?
my_lo 19:06 1st July 2008
I'm using classic WB, should i just make another one?

I must admit, i am confused, i can't get anything right in this...

1. I install winuae
2. I install classic wb with workbench 3.1
3. I select a rom A1200
4. I copy the roms in the devs drawer, the key in S and i extract some games to the A to Z drawers from the KGWHD
5. I click on the icon from the drawer
6. It doesn't work

Is there, anywhere, a step by step guide to make those game run, like from scratch, instead of the faqs?
killergorilla 19:16 1st July 2008
Choose a standard A1200 setup from WinUAE and add 8MB of Fast RAM, then add your harddrive. Do not enable anything else (JIT/FPU etc.)

That way I can make sure it's not your setup (by setup I mean the settings in WinUAE not the classicWB you are using).
my_lo 20:32 1st July 2008
I restarted everything from scratch (again, lol) but this time i've let the WHDLOAD kickstarts provided by the classicWB_full install and it all worked. So actually, as Buleste said, some roms work and some just don't... i must have used a bad pack of kickstarts.

I also made a non classicWB, default winuae with a1200 but using the WHDLOAD kickstarts from the classicWB and it worked perfect too.

THANK YOU ALL for you help and your time and i apology for my noobishness.


Also: thanks KillerGorilla, your packs are beyond awesomeness ^_-
Vangar 04:22 13th July 2008
I must have missed something here, all of a sudden I hardly understand anything in this topic...

Tosec? Gamebase? Is there some kind of complete ADF Amiga set for torrent?

Could someone point me in the right direction?
my_lo 08:59 14th July 2008
Tosec is a project that tries to list all available games for a given machine. Those lists are in the dat format which is usable with softs like clrmamepro. It allows you to check, amongst your games, which one you still miss and which ones you still have. You can find on the net some torrents with complete tosec packages (3-4 go!).

Gamebase is a frontend for amiga games a bit like mame for the arcade games. Gamebase works with a huge list of games but not all their versions. So basically, if you have the tosec set and you want to use it with Gamebase, you'll need to extract the adf that are recognized by Gamebase and to modify their names. This can be done via a software called clrmamepro with the dat files specific to Gamebase.

If you wanna use WHDload which allows you to play the amiga games without having to swap the disks during the game, you can manually create a configuration for each game from the adf but it's a huge work and not so easy. The best method is to use the KGWHD packages which contain all you need to play the games via whdload.

I hope this could help ^_-
Harrison 14:02 14th July 2008
Originally Posted by Vangar:
I must have missed something here, all of a sudden I hardly understand anything in this topic...

Tosec? Gamebase? Is there some kind of complete ADF Amiga set for torrent?

Could someone point me in the right direction?
In addition to my_lo's description of them all..

As he mentioned TOSEC is a database documentation project that tries to catalogue all known software releases for many different platforms. People then use these DAT files with CLRMAMEPro and similar file checking programs to see what they have and what they are missing from their collections.

Some people have however uses these DATs to compile a complete set of the game roms or in the Amiga's case ADFs and released the complete TOSEC set. If you are interested in getting hold of these go to the pleasuredome torrent tracker.

As fo GameBase. Again as already mentioned, this is a frontend for WinUAE and it works much like MAME32 if you have ever used that. However it's naming format for the adf's it supports are different to those in the TOSEC set. However people have also compiled complete GameBase ADF collections too. Try the Underground-Gamer tracker for these.

Finally WHDLoad. This is a project the creates harddrive installers so that you can install all Amiga games to HD, even the ones you could not access originally from Workbench. The standard way is to download the WHDLoad installer for a specific game, install WHDLoad, then run the installer, feed the Amiga the original game disks when asked and eventually you will have a copy of the game installed to HD. Thankfully KillerGorilla has removed the hassle of needing to do this. Now you can just download his gamepacks, installed WHDLoad and then run the games in his gamepacks. You can download these from the downloads section of classicamiga.
Demon Cleaner 14:11 14th July 2008
I would also recommend to d/l the Gamebase Amiga torrent (current version = 1.5), as it's easier than renaming the whole TOSEC set with Clrmamepro.
killergorilla 12:05 17th July 2008
I just cant believe that on a thread that started about gamebase no one mentions that kgwhd work with gamebase..
Buleste 12:08 17th July 2008
Originally Posted by killergorilla:
I just cant believe that on a thread that started about gamebase no one mentions that kgwhd work with gamebase..
Apart from
Originally Posted by Harrison:
Thankfully KillerGorilla has removed the hassle of needing to do this. Now you can just download his gamepacks, installed WHDLoad and then run the games in his gamepacks. You can download these from the downloads section of classicamiga.
Originally Posted by my_lo:
If you wanna use WHDload which allows you to play the amiga games without having to swap the disks during the game, you can manually create a configuration for each game from the adf but it's a huge work and not so easy. The best method is to use the KGWHD packages which contain all you need to play the games via whdl.

killergorilla 14:37 17th July 2008
Neither of those posts mention using my packs with gamebase
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