Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: no more Gasoline in Portugal
Harrison 14:51 16th June 2008
Very good point. The instant removal of the need for oil would dramatically shift the world super powers, both politically and financially. But this could work both in favour of the world as a whole, or equally it could completely destabilise everything.

However I think third world countries would still continue being oil based and mass polutors, while the west would start to shift over to other energy sources and the divide between third world and western countries would increase.
Buleste 15:05 16th June 2008
The greatest problem is that some of the countries who rely on oil are also nuclear powers or are in areas that are vulnerable to radical politics and destabilising their economies could lead to extremists gaining power. The gap between rich and poor countries growing would only increase this likelyhood. This would probably then lead to terrorist attacks that would make 9/11, 7/7 and the Madrid train bombings look like fireworks parties. If efficient alternative energy supplies were invented then a global areement to share the technology would be needed and lets face it that would be impossible.
TiredOfLife 23:10 16th June 2008
The terror brigade might find some of their current tactics a tad obsolete when the oil has one for a burton.

Britain is best when it comes to a crisis.
It's all about heads.

A fair percentage loose their heads and panic buy way more than they need, leaving empty petrol stations all round the country.
Normal people then can't get any fuel.

Meanwhile the government have got their heads alright but have stuck them firmly in the sand, claiming there has been no disruption to motorists.
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