Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: The oldest mag you have
Zetr0 11:15 13th June 2008
Hmmmm the oldes mag i have is a 1984/5 Transformers Mag Issue 23
Harrison 11:20 13th June 2008
Aw, I just thought. Does the comic of The Empire Strikes Back count? As it is in magazine form? Because if it does I still have mine that I got at the opening of ESB from the cinema in 1980.
Buleste 11:47 13th June 2008
If we're talking about comics then i have Prog 1 of 2000AD and quite a few Uncanny X-men from the late 70's
Harrison 12:16 13th June 2008
I think as this thread is in the Amiga Magazines forum it was originally intended to be computer related magazines. But as with most we never stay completely on topic.
Cortona 17:43 28th September 2008
I've got a bunch of ACE (Advanced Computer Entertainment) mags from June 1988 to sometime late 1990. I used to have a few Amiga Computing from around that time but I seem to have lost those, although I still have a few cover disks from late '89.

I also have an Amiga Shopper magazine from early '95, which is not very old but it has an interesting article on Commodore's closure. Apart from three years' worth of 'Dragon' magazine's from my D&D-playing days in the late '80s (which did have a computer game review section), that's all I have.

...And my dad chucked out about six years' worth of Sinclair User from issue one onwards! Nice one dad... That was a long long time ago though.

I'll have to dig out those ACE mags, they were pretty good.
thirtywinter 05:36 5th March 2009
Commodore User January 1985 with lots of games that you could key in yourself in Basic. To my recollection anyways. I seem to remember a Francis Drake adventure game?? Something like that anyway. Ah.. Those were the days.
Harrison 08:47 5th March 2009
Keying in programs yourself. I remember the days. All 8-bit magazines had the listings pages. I remember one issue of Amstrad User had the code for a complete drawing program and it was a huge program with about 20 pages of code to enter. I spent days entering all of the program and saving it to tape each day. Eventually I completed the code and ran the program, and it actually worked, although I don't think it was that great.

Another I remember entering was a game for the CPC based on hunchback. It had lots of bugs though and I could only ever get the game to play to the end of the first screen. Not sure if it was due to typing errors on my part, or just bad code in the first place.

I also used to buy a BBC Micro magazine mainly for the large code listing section it contained each month, and I would spend time in my IT classes at school coding on the BBC Micro, and later the Acorn Archimedes.
Buleste 09:06 5th March 2009
I remember programming in something called DANI (Dynamic Artificial Non Intelligence) from MSX User that someone has translated for the PC although I've not been able to find it.
thirtywinter 13:22 12th March 2009
Rem ********************************************************************
Rem ** NIALL Non-Intelligent AMOS Language Learner Version 1.0 **
Rem ** ========================================================== **
Rem ** Written By Matthew Peck in 1990 **
Rem ********************************************************************
Set Buffer 120
Randomize Timer
Hide On : Close Editor
Close Workbench
Dim WORD$(MNW,1),W$(255),CO(1)
WORD$(0,0)=" " : WORD$(MNW,0)="."
If COM=1 Then Goto SKIPIT
Rem --------------------------------------------------------------------
Screen Hide 1 : Screen Hide 0
For F=1 To 2 : Unpack 2 To 2 : Gr Writing 0
For G=1 To 25 : Read C,A$ : Ink 0 : Text 17,33+G*8,A$
Ink C : Text 16,32+G*8,A$
Next G : Wait Key : Fade 2 : Wait 30 : Next F
Screen Close 2
Screen Show 1 : Screen Show 0
Data 1," "
Data 1," When you are given the prompt USER: you will normally type in a sentence,"
Data 1,"but you can also type in a command word. All command words are prefixed"
Data 1,"by a '#'. This version (1.0) can support the following commands."
Data 1," "
Data 7,"#LIST Displays Nialls current dictionary on the screen."
Data 1," "
Data 7,"#LLIST Outputs the dictionary to a printer."
Data 1," "
Data 7,"#LPRINT Toggles direct output to printer."
Data 1," "
Data 7,"#SPEAK Toggles speech."
Data 1," "
Data 7,"#SAVE Saves the current dictionary to disc under any name."
Data 1," "
Data 7,"#LOAD Loads a previously saved dictionary from disc."
Data 1," "
Data 7,"#CORRECT Corrects a mispelt word in the dictionary."
Data 1," "
Data 7,"#FRESH Clears the current dictionary."
Data 1," "
Data 7,"#QUIT Leaves the program."
Data 1," "
Data 5," PRESS A KEY"
Data 5," CREDITS"
Data 1," "
Data 4," Written by Matthew Peck in AMOS Version 1.1 in August 1990"
Data 1," The original idea for NIALL was adapted from a program called DANI, which"
Data 1,"was written for the MSX machines and published in a magazine,MSX Computing."
Data 1,"NIALL is a complete re-write but I would like to give credit to the author"
Data 1,"of DANI for the inspiration. However, I no longer have the magazine and do"
Data 1,"not know the author's name. If you wrote DANI then contact me so that I can"
Data 1,"place your name in the credit list."
Data 1," "
Data 1," Many thanks go to the following people for their help, suggestions etc."
Data 6,"Adam Wright................................For waiting for me to code this."
Data 6,"Pat Fox and Julian Brown.....For playtesting my BBC basic version to death."
Data 6,"Kevin Tye...................................For being a generally nice guy."
Data 6,"Gary Keogh...............For being a great room-mate and friend at college."
Data 6,"Francios Lionet........................For AMOS, what else, and finally to "
Data 6,"Sarah Gould...........For being such a caring and understanding girlfriend."
Data 1," "
Data 1,"My address is:"
Data 4," 23 Welbeck Avenue, Bedgrove, Aylesbury, Bucks, ENGLAND, HP21 9BH."
Data 1," Contact me with/for ideas, programs, NIALL dictionaries and NIALL updates."
Data 1," "
Data 5," PRESS A KEY"
Data 1," "
Data 5," AMOS (c) 1990 Mandarin/Jawx"
End Proc
Procedure USER_INPUT
COM=0 : For F=1 To 3 : Print : Next F : For F=1 To 3 : Cup : Next F
Pen CO(1) : Print "USER:"; : Pen 1 : Line Input " ";T$
Cup : Pen CO(1) : Print "USER: "; : Pen 1 : Print T$
If HARD=1 Then Lprint " USER:";T$
If T$="" Then Pop Proc
Rem --- Is it a command string ---
If Left$(T$,1)="#" Then COMMANDS : COM=1 : Pop Proc
Rem --- Cuts out the rubbish ---
R$="" : For F=1 To Len(T$)
If Mid$(T$,F,1)="," Then Mid$(T$,F,1)="."
If Instr("!£$%^&*()_+|}{@?></#\="+Chr$(34),Mid$(T$,F,1))=0 Then R$=R$+Mid$(T$,F,1)
Next F : T$=R$
Rem --- Seperates into words ---
If Right$(T$,1)="." Then Right$(T$,1)=" "
If Instr(Q$,".")<>0 Then FS=1 : T$=Left$(Q$,Instr(Q$,".")-1) : Q$=Right$(Q$,Len(Q$)-Instr(Q$,"."))
W=1 : W$(W)="" : For F=1 To Len(T$)
If Mid$(T$,F,1)=" " Then If Mid$(T$,F+1,1)<>" " Then W=W+1 : W$(W)="" : Goto SKIP
SKIP: Next F
End If
If FS=1 Then FS=0 : T$=Q$ : Goto FULLSTOP
End Proc
Rem --- Loop for the number of words +1 ---
For H=1 To W+1
If H=W+1 Then F=MNW : Goto FOUNDIT
For F=1 To NUM : If W$(H)=WORD$(F,0) Then Goto FOUNDIT
Next F
Rem --- The word is a new one ---
NUM=NUM+1 : WORD$(NUM,0)=W$(H) : F=NUM
If WORD$(OLD,1)="" Then WORD$(OLD,1)="1|"+Str$(F)+"(1)" : Goto ALLDONE
C$=WORD$(OLD,1) : C$=Str$(Val(C$)+1)+Right$(C$,Len(C$)-Instr(C$,"|")+1)
For G=Instr(C$,"|")+1 To Len(C$)
If Val(Right$(C$,Len(C$)-G))=F Then Goto HERE
Next G
C$=C$+Str$(F)+"(1)" : WORD$(OLD,1)=C$ : Goto ALLDONE
G=Instr(C$,"(",G) : I=Instr(C$,")",G)-1
Next H
End Proc
If NUM=0 Then Pen CO(1) : Print "I cannot speak yet!" : Pen 1 : Pop Proc
REP$="" : C=0
C$=WORD$(C,1) : R=Rnd(Val(C$)) : If R=0 Then Goto RLOOP
For G=Instr(C$,"(") To Len(C$)
R=R-Val(Right$(C$,Len(C$)-G)) : If R<=0 Then Goto THISWORD
Next G
For F=G To 1 Step -1
F$=Mid$(C$,F,1) : If(F$=")") or(F$="|") Then Goto WORD
Next F
REP$=REP$+WORD$(C,0)+" "
C=D : If C<>MNW Then Goto RLOOP
If Left$(REP$,1)<>" " Then Exit
If REP$="" Then Pop Proc
Pen CO(1) : Print "NIALL:"; : Pen 1 : Print REP$
If SPEAK=1 Then Say REP$,0
If HARD=1 Then Lprint "NIALL:";REP$
End Proc
Procedure SETUP
If Fast Free<>0
Unpack 1 To 0 : Screen Display 0,128,40,320,28
End If
If Fast Free<>0
Screen Open 1,640,230,4,Hires : CO(0)=2 : CO(1)=3
Screen Open 1,320,230,2,Lowres : CO(0)=1 : CO(1)=1
End If
Screen Display 1,128,70,, : Flash Off : Screen 1 : Palette $0,$FFF,$F00,$48
Pen CO(0) : Paper 0 : Cls
Centre "Welcome to NIALL" : Print
Centre "Non Intelligent AMOS Language Learner" : Print
Centre "Written in AMOS Basic Version 1.1" : Print
Centre "by Matthew Peck in 1990" : Print : Print
Centre "This program is fully Public Domain" : Print : Print
If Fast Free<>0
Centre "Would you like further instructions (Y/N)" : A$=Input$(1) : Print
If A$="Y"
End If
Centre ".......... Get Typing ..........."
End If
End Proc
Procedure COMMANDS
If T$="#list"
For F=0 To NUM Step 20
For G=0 To 19 : If F+G<=NUM
Print F+G,WORD$(F+G,0),WORD$(F+G,1)
End If
Next G : Print : Pen CO(0) : Centre "PRESS A KEY" : Pen 1 : Print : Wait Key
Next F : Pop Proc
End If
If T$="#llist"
For F=0 To NUM : Lprint F,WORD$(F,0),WORD$(F,1) : Next F
End If
If T$="#save"
Show On : A$=Fsel$("df0:*.NIALL") : Hide On
If Upper$(Right$(A$,6))<>".NIALL"
End If
Open Out 1,A$ : Print #1,NUM
For F=0 To NUM : Print #1,WORD$(F,0) : Print #1,WORD$(F,1) : Next F
Close 1
End If
If T$="#load"
Show On : A$=Fsel$("df0:*.NIALL") : Hide On : Open In 1,A$
Input #1,NUM
Y=Y Curs
For F=0 To NUM : Locate 0,Y : Print "Countdown:";NUM-F;" "; : Input #1,WORD$(F,0) : Input #1,WORD$(F,1) : Next F
Close 1
End If
If T$="#correct"
Pen CO(0) : Print "Enter incorrect word:"; : Pen 1 : Input " ";O$
For F=1 To NUM
If Lower$(O$)=WORD$(F,0)
Pen CO(0) : Print "Enter correct spelling:"; : Pen 1 : Input " ";N$
Next F : Print "Cannot find word ";O$
End If
End If
If T$="#fresh"
Pen CO(0) : Centre "Are you sure (Y/N)" : A$=Input$(1) : Print
If Upper$(A$)="Y"
For F=0 To NUM : WORD$(F,0)="" : WORD$(F,1)="" : Next F : NUM=0
End If
End If
If T$="#quit"
Pen CO(0) : Centre "Do you really want to quit (Y/N)" : A$=Input$(1) : Print
If Upper$(A$)="Y"
Screen Close 0 : Screen Close 1 : End
End If
End If
If T$="#speak"
End If
End If
If T$="#lprint"
End If
End If
End Proc

Buleste 13:43 12th March 2009
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