Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: You know you want one.
v85rawdeal 17:51 15th May 2008
Originally Posted by Buleste:
Yeh but you also have to put up with Callista Flockheart.
I could just about manage that.... But that damn dancing baby would have to go!!!
Harrison 23:58 15th May 2008
She's horribly thin and has a strange shaped nose! No way!
Submeg 00:01 16th May 2008
Yea she a nasty s|<@n|<
v85rawdeal 13:34 17th May 2008
Well, when ya last GF needed shearing once a month, and a regular dip, then almost anything on two legs is an improvement!
Buleste 13:50 17th May 2008
A picture of v85's homepage.

v85rawdeal 15:21 17th May 2008
I WOULD sign up... but people might think I'm stalking you!
Buleste 15:59 17th May 2008
Hey!!! I don't live in Buxton where your kind originate from. And we all know your real name is Aberforth.
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