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Thread: Happy Birthday Teho!
Submeg 03:58 10th May 2008
Hey man! Happy birthday yo!
Teho 08:30 10th May 2008
Thanks, all of you. The cake is much appreciated Zetr0, even if you ate it all yourself. Not to worry though, I've been promised cake from some friends of mine later today so it's all good.
Bloodwych 10:22 10th May 2008
A day late, but all the best for your Birthday.

Another one for the chalk board. Mine is starting to look like a full fence now!!!
Tiago 15:14 10th May 2008
Happy Birthday Teho !!!

v85rawdeal 15:26 10th May 2008
A somewhat belated


TiredOfLife 13:11 12th May 2008
A happy belated one from me as well mate.
I'm off to Prague at the weekend, so will have a few beers to celebrate your Birthday.

J T 15:17 12th May 2008
Late as ever, but happy birthday to you, Terje.
Demon Cleaner 06:10 13th May 2008
Even later, but better too late than never. Happy birthday mate
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