Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: PSP firmware hacker Dark Alex in the news
Harrison 14:32 17th January 2007
This months Edge magazine has a half page feature on the Sony PSP and the hacker dark_alex.

It goes into detail on how quickly the hacker managed to hack the new 3.02 firmware soon after its release and then chose to release the custom firmware on Christmas day. It even goes into detail on what the hacked firmware does including the ability to run illegally distributed ISOs and the ability to run almost all dumped PSX images via memorystick.

It ends with a quote from Sony "Piracy is detrimental to the end consumer" and "We are against piracy 100 percent and will continue to protect our intellectual property and fight agains it in all its forms."

I would love to see how they are going to do this now. It's one thing for custom hacked firmware for a system to be released for people into modding systems to use, but now all of this information has been printed in a more mainstream magazine more people are bound to want to try it out and the word will quickly spread. Reporting such news in magazines is great for promoting the hacked exploiits, something I bet Sony haven't realised.
LowercaseE 18:17 17th January 2007
Good news! Anything that hurts Sony is fine with me.
Demon Cleaner 18:45 17th January 2007
You're definitely no Sony fan!!
Harrison 20:59 17th January 2007
They must have done something really bad to you in the past LowercaseE, to hold such a grudge!
LowercaseE 21:52 17th January 2007
They're instituting censorship with BluRay and I am absolutely 100% against that. They have threatened pulling BR licenses from manufacturers that press adult DVDs. Now granted I don't buy pr0n (why buy it when you can DL it free?) but that's still censorship and it's wrong. I just don't like Sony and their whole "we want to control every aspect of media" mentality.
Demon Cleaner 22:05 17th January 2007
Originally Posted by :
They have threatened pulling BR licenses from manufacturers that press adult DVDs.
But that hurts Sony themselves, I think that pr0n is one of the biggest markets out there, so when Sony doesn't allow pr0n on BluRay, they will lose a lot of customers.