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Thread: CCTV
TiredOfLife 13:15 29th April 2008
You are legally allowed to do whatever you want to intruders, as long as you leave the body elsewhere.

It's called innocent until proven guilty and is an integral part of British Law.
Harrison 13:21 29th April 2008
Originally Posted by burns flipper:
So...summing up...your recommendations are:

1. I get a Dobermann, film myself getting jiggy with it, then project this in an endless loop using my projector against the wall of the house.
2. Train a guard dog to go straight for the nuts.
3. Ensure I only hit the front of the intruder whilst I beat seven shades of cr@p out of him.
4. Get barbed wire and rusty nails wrapped around the top of all fences and places anyone might try to climb over, and a large pond directly on the other side of the fence where it looks easiest to climb over.
5. Light up the back yard like Guantanamo Bay.
6. Something about getting more Police on the street.

As always, your input has been invaluable. Literally.
Yep. Everything seems to be there.

Glad we could help!

BTW, I would also like to add to TiredOfLife's last post. If you keep some pigs they are the perfect way to "hide" all evidence as they will eat through anything including bones, so no evidence will be left to convict you.
Buleste 13:23 29th April 2008
I disagree about the pigs. You can't trust them. Take a look at that serial killer in Canada who happened to be a farmer. O.k. he was only convicted on 10 counts of murder when it his thought he commited over 50 but the pigs didn't destoy all the evidence.
Harrison 13:52 29th April 2008
True, but if you feed them one bit at a time it improves the chances of all the evidence being cleaned up.
burns flipper 11:03 30th April 2008
7. Keep pigs to feed dead bodies to.
Buleste 11:10 30th April 2008
In all seriousness though IMO you would be better spending money on upgrading locks and safety lights rather than installing CCTV as CCTV will not deter the professional burglars only the junkie scum who will be detered by proper security anyway. The chances are by putting a CCTV camera on your house you are more likely to provoke burglars because if you have enough money to spend on CCTV then you must have enough money to spend on the latest gadgets and so the house must be crammed full of good stuff to nick. It would be cheaper, safer and more sensible to fit proper locks, add security lights and use common sense precautions to prevent burglary.
Harrison 14:48 30th April 2008
Exactly what I think too. As I mentioned before. Lights coming on with deter people much more than cameras, and the lights coming on will also alert you quicker than a camera.
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