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Thread: Emulators on an Amiga.
Buleste 11:17 6th April 2008
I tried waprNES but couldn't get anything to work. I'll give OS4 versions a try as WarpOS is tempremental. Managed to get hatari working and tried some of the earlier TOS/GEM images and i have to say Workbench1.3 in blue, GEM in green, no wonder most people who used to use computers in the 80's and early 90's wear glasses and it's not because we're all w*nkers.
Puni/Void 12:03 6th April 2008
Originally Posted by :
I've used a NES emulator too - A/NES, there was a new version of that released a few months ago. There are loads of graphical glitches though and some games don't work at all...
I read the review in the latest Amiga Future concerning that emulator. If I remember correctly, they wrote that the speed had improved, but that the graphical glitches, like you said, was a problem. I think it also stood that the author had decided to abandon the project.

Did also read your game reviews by the way. Well done!
Graham Humphrey 13:11 6th April 2008
In fact it was me who wrote the A/NES review too

It was a shame, it could be a really good emulator with some work as the basics are there. A pity the author has stopped work on it.

Thanks for your comments on my reviews too, much appreciated
Puni/Void 15:05 6th April 2008
Originally Posted by :
In fact it was me who wrote the A/NES review too

It was a shame, it could be a really good emulator with some work as the basics are there. A pity the author has stopped work on it.

Thanks for your comments on my reviews too, much appreciated
You're welcome mate.

Hehe.. didn't notice that you wrote the A/NES review as well.
TiredOfLife 16:24 7th April 2008
I used to use Magic64 and Frodo, both a bit on the slow side.
Tried Vice for OS3xx, even slower.
Keep meaning to try Vice under OS4.
Buleste 16:33 7th April 2008
VICE runs at around 80-105% speed on my system. I'd forgotten the old start up music to C64 Elite. Boy did that give me a flashback. The C128 emulator is somewhat buggy and needs a AmigaOne to run as far as i can tell.
TiredOfLife 16:35 7th April 2008
I want to play Wizball at a descent speed.
I know there was an Amiga version but I prefer the C64 version.
I think we actually discussed that before, possibly on the old site.
Buleste 16:39 7th April 2008
I know what you mean i have Wizball for the Ami but it was far better on C64. Thanks for reminding me I'll have to D/L that and check it out.
Harrison 16:50 7th April 2008
What made it better on the C64 version? I have to admit to actually owning and completing it on the Atari ST and really enjoyed the game.
Buleste 16:57 7th April 2008
Possibly nostalgia and rose tinted glasses or just sometimes simple is better. It's one of those things that is hard to quantify. Tell you what i'll try both and see which i prefer.
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