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Thread: Any new space games in the forseeable future?
my_lo 11:16 29th July 2008
Same here, there are so many projects in my head and the office that takes so much time... It's frustrating o_O''
my_lo 14:06 11th August 2008
Star Trek Online, the first trailer with gameplay, RELEASED:

It looks very nice, too bad it was not the voice of Patrick Stewart but the rest looks cool and the space battles are pretty neat...
Harrison 14:10 11th August 2008
Looks great. Lets hope it plays as well!
khaxzan 20:16 17th August 2008
It's hard to get back into Star Trek after they killed off Data. I tsill watch The Next Generation though on Space.
Harrison 20:58 17th August 2008
I had completely forgotten about the ending to Nemesis. That was a very sad, and then touching moment with B-4. But that was an unexpected twist in the film and something unexpected in a ST film (to kill one of the main characters). However, with B-4 containing the memory engrams from Data it could easily be written into another film that B-$ evolved to form a very similar personality to that of Data. Although data was the only one with the emotion chip (right?) so B-4 would always be missing emotion, much like the earlier Data.
khaxzan 18:48 22nd August 2008
v85rawdeal 13:27 23rd August 2008
Originally Posted by vorlon31:
Netdevil and codemasters have launched a new look web site for Jumpgate Evolution one linked to codemasters own account system and forums.

It's got the same addy of

But... you will need to re-apply for Beta using a codemasters codeM account.

KK, you know what to do.. sign up!

Also Codemasters are at Gencon this year, hopefully with a more advanced version of Jumpgate available to play. It's just a shame that the Darlings won't be there as I still have a copy of Ghosthunters I could get signed. Or even dig out my copy of Rockstar Ate My Hamster and get that signed .

Will try and get as much details about the game whilst I am there, and will fill you all in with the info when I get back.

Oh, and Darth Vader is coming to Portsmouth on 13th September. And that's the REAL Darth, aka David 'Always Use the Code When You Cross the Road' Prowse, not some pansy Canadian...
vorlon31 08:27 16th October 2008
Its been a while since I posted, but I just watched this vid and thought.."must post!"

kotaku hands on JGE vid
Tiago 10:22 23rd December 2008
dont know if anyone talked about this space game:

X3 - reunion - saw it for the first time last sunday, woooooohhhh
Looks very similar to the Elite series concept. It's a beutifull FPS space game with a lot of strategy to, maybe a mix of:

- Elite Frontier
- x-wing/tie-fighter

The graphics are superb.

It cost me 9.99 euros thru Steam engine, payed with paypal, and dowload the 4GB very fast, around 450kb/s, don't know about the rest of UK speeds, but here in Portugal it's a very good one.

If you never saw it, give a look at you tube
Demon Cleaner 11:12 23rd December 2008
Here's some info about the X games series, it seems you didn't know them.
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