Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Stargate - The Ark of Truth
Harrison 00:32 19th March 2008
Has anyone seen this DVD yet? (not the pirate copy as that is missing a lot of content)

For those that don't know, the Stargate SG1 series didn't actually end with the final series. Instead they are now making 2 hour SG1 movies and releasing them on DVD. Hoping to release 2 each year.

With the first being The Ark of Truth, with my copy arriving today and I just finished watching it and can say it is definitely worth buying. If you are wondering how I got mine early, that is because I ordered the US version which was released this week ahead of the UK release.

And for those who don't wish to buy it, the full film (double episode really) is being shown on Sky One over Easter.

As for the actual film. It is very well made and the production standards have noticeably more money spent on them with some very nice special effects. The story is also very well written bring a good conclusion to the end of the story that ran throughout the last season of the series. I'm not going to say any more because it could ruin the story.

All I will add is that the very end of it is a bit cheesy and I would have preferred a different ending showing the conclusion of the main story, rather than showing events continuing after.
Ghost 01:20 19th March 2008
Hello Harrison,

I thought it was okay, kind of an expected season ender.
That I really expected something that would blow me away isn't the case but having watched the series for some long I have become used to certain plot elements.
Harrison 02:42 19th March 2008
Well yeah it was very predictable, but that is to be expected because after so long watching a series written by one main writer it is to be expected that we will start to predict the outcome of most story plots. Much in the same way as happens when you read the 14th book from one author.
Zetr0 12:29 19th March 2008
I liked it

"tis was great" to quote a close friend
Buleste 12:42 19th March 2008
Tizwas great? Thats an understatement!!!
Zetr0 13:25 19th March 2008
Originally Posted by Buleste:
Tizwas great? Thats an understatement!!!
perhaps, but i saw it ages ago.... so the excitement has dampened since then.

What i want to know is how did the Ascended Morgan Lefay, get to the Galaxy of Origin ?
and arguably while in that galaxy, why was she under scrutiny of the other Ancients and thus her hands being all that tied after all they had forsaken that galaxy ages ago.

Still great movie, and well lets just say that the Adrianna (the one from Firefly) would have difficulty walking if i had my way .... Mmmmmmmm slurp......
Buleste 14:22 19th March 2008
You mean Adria. Inara is nice but i always prefered Kaylee.
v85rawdeal 18:57 20th March 2008
Originally Posted by Buleste:
Tizwas great? Thats an understatement!!!
Year, but Lenny Henry's career has really gone downhill since then...
Zetr0 23:12 20th March 2008
Originally Posted by v85rawdeal:
Originally Posted by Buleste:
Tizwas great? Thats an understatement!!!
Year, but Lenny Henry's career has really gone downhill since then...
and its with this statment we now know that v85rawdeal is playing with us again, going for the poster of the month, 15 months in a row!!!

.... i think
Buleste 13:27 21st March 2008
Nah. Now if he'd said Chris Tarrents career had gone up the Swanee then he'd be going for it.