Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: v85rawdeal wins Poster of the Month again!
Zetr0 11:41 6th March 2008
<---- PMSL!!!!

awesome... "So Retr0"... well worthy of a win
v85rawdeal 18:47 8th March 2008
Aww, gosh, well... um....

*fumble, fumble, fumble*

*rustle of paper*


I would just like to take time out to thank my friends and my family for supporting me all through the writing process. Without them I could not have had the time to concentrate on my art. So many thanks to the. I love you all, guys *sniffle*.

I would also like to thank Harrison and all those who thought that my production was worthy of such an award. It is great to be so recognised by your peers, especially in what has become a very crowded field.

But most of all, I would like to thank, and most importantly, share this award with Stephen, who gave me inspiration to craft such an obviously well-loved masterpiece.

To that fact, I would like to invite Stephen up on stage here tonight to share a few words with you.

Ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together for Stephen...

*steps to one side, away from podium, applauding*
TiredOfLife 12:33 12th March 2008
Originally Posted by Buleste:
Bugger!!! Tired Of Life gave me loads of submissions so i though i had a chance. Still it was a worthy winner. Now to pull the plug on his tinternet to stop him from winning. Either that or slip Harrison some money to rewrite the code so that no one can vote for v85's posts.
You spend all that time building up your armies taking country after country and then some git hits your capital with a nuke.
Better luck next time.

Congrats to, as ever, v85rawdeal.
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