Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Sins of the Solar Empire
Harrison 10:48 27th February 2008
I stumbled across this new PC game the other day, and although I haven't had chance to play it yet, it looks pretty good. It's a space RTS game akin to classics like Homeworld and has been receiving some good reviews.

Has anyone else played this game yet? And if so what did you think of it?

The graphics are not state of the art, but I don't think that is really a bad thing. They look good enough to be enjoyable, and without needing cutting edge hardware it opens the game up for many more Space RTS fans with older systems to play and enjoy. A lot of recent graphical effects are supported if you have a card to display them, but the minimum spec is a Radeon 9600 so it should cover most people's systems.

It also has network play with up to 10 players per game, so if this proves to be enjoyable we could try this out between some of us.

Buleste 11:02 27th February 2008
Not played it but had a look at the site (by the way you made a boo boo with the link) and i've just about got enough of a computer to run it so i may have a look for it.
Harrison 11:04 27th February 2008
I've fixed the link. It was some strange copy and paste behaviour.
Buleste 11:08 27th February 2008
Sounds painfull. You need to use natural yogurt on that and it should clear up after a while.
Buleste 09:33 6th March 2008
This has been reviewed by Game Central today and got 8/10 but has said that no U.K. distributer so you can only DL it in U.K.
Tiago 11:43 11th May 2008
I got the demo yesterday, uhuooooooooo,
Remindes me Home world 2, but look better, great graphics!
Sharingan 17:21 11th May 2008
Kind of interested in this.

I'm planning to build a new computer sometime soon, specifically to try out some recent PC games, so this title will be good to start with. This, and StarCraft II, of course
Tiago 15:04 11th October 2008
Didn't anyone try it yet?

real time... is it like "ogame"? Or can you play it alone in your pc, without connecting to the web?