Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: Abandonia Quiz #5
Buleste 15:10 22nd February 2008
Abandonia have a new quiz with the prize of two limited edition NDS with Zelda:TPH. The quiz is 40 tracks of game music from games between 1990 and 1999 and is solid. It can be found here.
Harrison 16:24 22nd February 2008
Just had a listen to the first 5 and only got number 4! Don't think I will be winning that DS.
Buleste 16:49 22nd February 2008
After looking at the posts I don't think anyone has all of them and a lot of people have very few. I've listened to about 9 and got none.
Harrison 17:37 22nd February 2008
Right. I will have to have a better listen to all of them then.
Teho 18:58 22nd February 2008
Listened to all of them and am dead certain about only six. Have good guesses for four more, and there's a couple I really feel I ought to know but can't place.

This one was hard. Abandonia is mostly old DOS games, right? I didn't have a PC in those days so don't know too much about them, only what I've discovered since.
Harrison 09:56 23rd February 2008
There were a lot of Amiga games ported to the PC so I did recognise a few too, but like you I didn't have a PC for gaming back then either as I was dedicated to the Amiga.
Demon Cleaner 15:06 27th February 2008
Btw, at PD you can get a nice DOSCollection, it's 17.26GB
Harrison 15:07 27th February 2008
Yeah, i have that one. Not from there directly though, but from the same sources as the creator of that torrent got his files from.
Demon Cleaner 15:14 27th February 2008
Although it has been a long time since it has been updated. I once started downloading games from Abandonia Reloaded manually to also get all these games, but that takes a lot of time. Hope someone's gonna make a set for that site too, they have some nice adventures.
Buleste 16:01 27th February 2008
One game they don't have on there is Knight of Legend which is a superb RPG that i love. Plus there is the fact that i know how to "improve" your Characters using a hex editor.
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