Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Colour Of Magic
Buleste 14:06 14th February 2008
The Colour of Magic film is to be premiered on 3rd March at the Curzon Cinema, Mayfair. In other Pratchett news TP will be apearing at the Bath Literature Festival on the Saturday 23rd February.
Harrison 15:26 14th February 2008
But is there any news about how good the film will be? Or indeed bad!
Buleste 15:37 14th February 2008
It's done by the same people who did Hogfather so it'll be very similar but how good/bad it'll be who knows. Had a qick look on IMDB for cast list and not sure about the casting for Herrena the Henna Haired Harridan and now after reading the character names i'm going to have to re read TCOM again as i get it mixed up with TLF. I can't believe it's been 25 years of the Discworld this year.
Buleste 16:30 6th March 2008
I'm now officially upset. I've just seen a trailer for TCOM and the Librarian in his full simian glory turns up. Problem is the librarian was human until the start of The Light Fantastic. If you want to see the trailer go here.