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Thread: Superbowl
LowercaseE 14:39 4th February 2008
Hahahahahah!!! The stupid Patriots' perfect season was RIPPED out from under them!!!! Wiped that shxte eating grin right off of Brady's face. If any team deserved to lose in such a big way, it was them. I don't really care for the Giants either, but they were the lesser of 2 evils in this case. That said, it was a great game. Edge of your seat at the end.
Buleste 14:51 4th February 2008
How can any game that has 1 hour of actual play but takes over 2 hours to finish be great? Squads the size of armies, more protection on one player than the US DoD gave to it's entire army and team wages that could pay off the US national debt? Sorry not my cup of tea.
Harrison 14:59 4th February 2008
Agreed. Not my idea of a sport either. Bunch of guys having to wear so much padding is silly. They should play a rugby game against one of the 6 nations teams and see how tough they are then!

And yeah, American Football (silly name, should be called American handball, or American Rugby, maybe even Rugby for wimps) is so slow and boring.

Sorry LowercaseE, but most from the UK and Europe just don't get most US sports. Too slow, boring and stat heavy, without much actual action.
LowercaseE 15:25 4th February 2008
I know you guys aren't into it, much the same way that I'm not into Soccer. I can appreciate the athleticism involved, the actual sport just does nothing for me. That said, I'm just thrilled that the Patriots (who many in the US media think are the greatest thing since sliced bread) got a potential record tying victory snatched out from under them.
Harrison 15:32 4th February 2008
Well yeah, it is always good when the hyped team from any sport get a great victory pulled from under them at the last minute.

Much like in Formula One last year when McLaren lost the drivers championship by 1 point after leading the championship all year.
AlexJ 16:51 4th February 2008
Was quite hard to stay with it after almost two full quarters without score but definately worth the effort. What a finish and what a result.

Originally Posted by Harrison:
Agreed. Not my idea of a sport either. Bunch of guys having to wear so much padding is silly. They should play a rugby game against one of the 6 nations teams and see how tough they are then!
I think there's room to enjoy both sports (and Rugby League as well). All have their own challenges and just as I think NFL stars would be upstaged in international rugby, so would international rugby stars be out of their depth in top flight American Football.
toomanymikes 22:01 4th February 2008
i used to watch american football when it was on c4 in my student days, well what else is on at 4 in the morning and your trying to draw your great idea that suddenly dosent work the evening before the hand in?
i like the whole social aspect of the sport with the fans encouraged to turn up hours early with beers and food just to get together. thats why i like watching footie in the local with my dad cos its more fun than sitting in to watch it.
AlexJ 22:24 4th February 2008
Originally Posted by toomanymikes:
i used to watch american football when it was on c4 in my student days, well what else is on at 4 in the morning and your trying to draw your great idea that suddenly dosent work the evening before the hand in?
i like the whole social aspect of the sport with the fans encouraged to turn up hours early with beers and food just to get together. thats why i like watching footie in the local with my dad cos its more fun than sitting in to watch it.
Yeah the tailgating parties are a great idea, shame over here it would likely descend into violence and fighting between opposing sets of fans.
Demon Cleaner 05:13 5th February 2008
I love the NFL, and follow the sport since 1995. I'm a Packers fan, and they did a pretty good job this season, with Favre having a great season. Too bad they lost to the Giants in the conference finals game, but I think the Giants were the better team, as the Packers did not have their best day.

And I also agree with LowercaseE, I think that the Patriots deserved to lose this game, the team is too much hyped.
TiredOfLife 15:49 5th February 2008
Superbowl my arse.
Lads in over the top padding colliding into each other?
May as well watch It's A Knockout.

The only Superbowl was in my kitchen last month.
A bowl that I previously thought would only fit three Weetabix with milk, managed to hold four.

Imagine the joy in my achievement.
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