Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: Star Trek XI
Harrison 11:29 20th November 2008
Where is the Enterprise in the picture above from then? I also thought that was the one as that image and a couple of others have been posted on a few different sites.

The official trailer looks great and I'm now really looking forward to the film's release. I am still unsure about a couple of the actors they have picked though, but I'm trying to reserve judgment on that until I've seen the film.
Bloodwych 14:11 23rd November 2008
The one I posted is the same one as in the trailers. I can't remember who did the other one. They are clearly different however.

I actually like this design the best so far; it looks the same or similar to the one in Buleste's post:
Attached: re-imagined_ent1.jpg (55.0 KB)
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