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Thread: Star Trek XI
v85rawdeal 13:20 24th January 2008
Maybe she only took the role so she could use the Vulcan Deathgrip on security guards!
Buleste 13:40 24th January 2008
Unfortunatly Winona's playing Amanda, Spock's mother who was human so they wouldn't have taught her the Vulcan Nerve pinch as they only teach it to Vulcan characters in a secret training session.
v85rawdeal 13:45 24th January 2008
Who knows what the Vulcan mating ritual may involve... Maybe the deathgrip has a different effect on Vulcans during sex...
Buleste 13:52 24th January 2008
Ah my subtle hints failed. As a nerd i have to point out that it is the Vulcan Nerve Pinch and not deathgrip. As Vulcans are a essentially peacefull race they do not have a deathgrip or if they did it has long since been forgotten as it would be illogical.
v85rawdeal 15:14 24th January 2008
MY problem is I am not a Star Trek fan... Much prefered the Amiga-assisted Babylon 5 series.

May I just say, in that case... I would rather spend time with a Narn than a Vulcan! But NOT if the Narn wants to discover my pleasure threshold!
Buleste 15:18 24th January 2008
I too prefer B5 to trek but i'm a nerd so i need to know things like Velcan Nerve pinch. I would prefer to spend my time with a Cenatauri women. Something about bald heads on women just does something for me.
Harrison 15:22 24th January 2008
Babylon 5 and Star Trek are quite different concepts of a Sci-Fi future though. Both great in their own right. Babylon 5 was for me a more realistic depiction of different cultures and interaction, but it is very hard to compare them as they are so different.
Sharingan 15:22 24th January 2008
Winona Ryder is hot, so it doesn't matter who or what she plays. Preferably some race with skimpy clothing, though.
Harrison 15:43 24th January 2008
True. She is very nice. Although she looks even better when she has longer hair.
Zetr0 15:07 25th January 2008
wow..... i had not a clue they were going to make another movie....

I have just caugt up with this thread... and checked out the trailer.... looks promising....

however.... i was looking for a date on the cast page..... needed to know if it was an Aprill fools joke....

how can Winona be Karl Urbans mother ?

I have to admit yeah, she is cute.... but there are times (when her hair is a little to short) and she looks to much like a young boy.... personally not my thing....

that cast list is crazy... i cannot get over it..... sean pegg ?!?! i think paramount really want to put Star Trek into the bottomless pit of hell.... (the bastards!)

I love trek.... all trek, some more than others.... I love Bab5 pretty much most sci-fi I am a whore of SCI-FI to be honest....

but Paramount Ruined Season 3 of Enterprise with that god-awefull Xindi plot... and then the dared pull the plug in a fantastic season 4!!

..... I have no doubt i will be watching this movie.... good or bad to be honest... i just love trek
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