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Thread: Babylon 4 : The Minbari Project
Buleste 09:52 28th March 2008
The TBP 3.4a final Release candidate can be downloaded from here.
Harrison 10:23 28th March 2008
Great. Downloading now.
Buleste 11:38 17th April 2008
TBP final release candidate2 can be D/L from here. This may be the final final release candidate before the final release. Finally.
v85rawdeal 11:40 17th April 2008
Well, I am finally glad that that has finally been finally finalised. Finally!
Buleste 11:47 17th April 2008
v85rawdeal 17:53 17th April 2008
Is that a maybe maybe? Or a finally maybe? Or a maybe finally, maybe? or a finally maybe, finally?
Buleste 20:21 17th April 2008
You missed out definitely maybe and maybe baby.
Asprin 13:22 2nd July 2008

The last patch (we've already started voice recording for the new version) for the B4: Minbari Project v.1.1. is available for download here:


- Screen Refresh Rate in OGL mode added
- Profile crash problem is fixed
- Major updates in AI code
- Cutscenes problem is FULLY fixed
- Some fixes in "RED ALERT" logic
- Major updates in "SHIP-SHIP" collisions
- Some fixes in campaign logic
- Some minor bugs fixed
Buleste 13:38 2nd July 2008
Thanks for the info.
Harrison 14:24 2nd July 2008
Great news. And it is also great to see so much work still going into this project. I can't wait for the voice recording version to be completed. That should be very nice.
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