Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: Babylon 4 : The Minbari Project
Harrison 18:39 4th March 2008
I remember saying years ago to a friend that in a few years we would be playing games with graphics better than the pre-rendered cut scenes, and now here we are! It is great that most games these days don't need to rely on pre-rendered cut scenes at all and can instead just use the games engine for them.

BTW, back to the FS2 engine, have you also seen the Wing Commander Saga mod? Found at A complete remake of the Wing Commander universe. I'm now downloading that too to take a look.
Buleste 18:47 4th March 2008
At this rate i'm going to have to buy a new HDD just for FS2 mods. I think we're going to have to create a thread with links to all the FS2 mods. Although looking at all the people who've shown interest in TBP and TMP posts i think we'd be the only ones interested.
Harrison 19:20 4th March 2008
I just found something else that also looks really cool. This time it is a Battlestar Galactica mod for Homeword 2, called Battlestar Galactica Fleet Commander, and it can be found here. This looks really good.

It's amazing that the mod community can create two quality games based on the new BSG series, one a great first person space combat simulation, and the other a space based RTS, and yet the commercial developers can just come up with a complete pile of crap as the official game. Mad. I'm wondering if they couldn't get any developers to work on the official game because they were all too busy working on the free ones!
Buleste 19:57 4th March 2008
It wouldn't surprise me if the developers read the reviews and just rip off the free stuff (even though BtRL isn't finished yet).

Just found a B5 homeworld page here.
Harrison 20:02 4th March 2008
At this rate we won't need to ever buy a new game again!

And who ever said there was a shortage of space based games?
Buleste 20:16 4th March 2008
I've found a Robotech mod for FS2, I can't find any form of Space: Above and Beyond game (thank god) and i'm wondering if someone ever did a Ulysses 31 game? And now everyone sing the theme.....

Ulysses, Ulysses, soaring through all the galaxies, in search of Earth, flying in to the night.
Ulysses, Ulysses, fighting evil and tyranny, with all his power, and with all of his might.

Ulysses, no-one else can do the things you do.
Ulysses, like a bolt of thunder from the blue.
Ulysses, always fighting all the evil forces bringing peace and justice to all.
It's me Nono small robot you know, friend of Ulysses.
It's me Nono small robot you know, friend of Ulysses.
Buleste 11:59 5th March 2008
Thanks to DrTCP I've managed to boost my speed again. Still not the 8megs i'm supposed to have but significantly better.
Harrison 12:37 5th March 2008
What does DrTCP do? I had a quick look on Google and it just mentions setting MTU and RWIN settings, but these are already set specifically for my ISP on my router. So what do you gain using it over the correct settings on the router?
Buleste 13:04 5th March 2008
All it does is give you easy access to sytem controls, some of which may have been altered by other programmes like your TCP Receive settings. Now that i've altered that my internet is faster. There must be some other way within windoze to alter the settings but DrTCP just makes it easier. Beside before for some reason i was operating at 3Mps and now it's over 6 more if i disable protection so something must have buggered my settings in the past.
Harrison 13:38 5th March 2008
Hmm... strange. For me I get the same speed as my router reports the line upload and download links as being.
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