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Thread: Babylon 4 : The Minbari Project
Harrison 22:39 3rd March 2008
For anyone looking to obtain the Babylon 5 Base 3 files the official site downloads have been down for some time, but I found them here. Enjoy.
Buleste 11:44 4th March 2008
To download the latest 3.4b files click here. Be warned it's a 700MB file so be prepared for a long download. It's a complete stand alone package so you don't need freespace 2 top run it.
Harrison 12:02 4th March 2008
786MB to be exact. Cheers for the link. I couldn't find any links to that version anywhere. Why is it currently so hard to locate any? Even the official site's links are all dead.
Buleste 12:26 4th March 2008
From what i can tell from the forum (which is where i got the link) the other DL links were on pay for sites and the creator didn't pay for them. As for the main site it looks like as the "final" release has been done (even though it's in another beta stage again) work on the site has stopped. What i'll have to do is find all the links and put them in one post.

18% DL with 3hours 6 mins to go. wish i was on Dial UP as si'd have something to do for the next couple of months.
Harrison 12:36 4th March 2008
Are you on a slow connection? I've been downloading it too and total time for download should be just under 1 hour, and my connection isn't exactly the fastest in the world currently downloading it at about 170KB/sec.
Buleste 12:58 4th March 2008
I've got a 8GB connection and it's going at 57.7kbps which is pathetic. I'll have to try optimising the connection again.
Harrison 15:05 4th March 2008
I gave this latest version a quick try just now and it runs perfectly. The only slight issue is that the sound is a bit crackly. Any ideas how that could be fixed?

The older 3.3a version refused to run properly on my system, but with 3.4 I can instantly see it's been polished up and runs much better. The only thing to mention is that on install the installer may appear to have crashed right at the end. For it a popup announcing a driver install had popped up behind the installer window so couldn't be seen. Once that was acknowledged the installation finished. And equally when the game launches it tries to access the internet so be ready to answer any firewall popups or the game will appear to freeze until you do.
Buleste 15:47 4th March 2008
All i can suggest is checking the 3.4b feedback forum here to find resolutions to any problems. The slow install is a known issue. There is a debate as to wether the sound problem is due to installing over an old version or just a Freespace2 bug a BtRL seems to have a similar fault at times.

After trawling through the forum it looks like Final release will be in Easter.
Harrison 16:19 4th March 2008
It's definitely not due to older builds or FS2 being installed as none were on this system before this version. I'm going to try running it with Hardware audio selected rather than the recommend software sound drivers that get installed with it.

I'm also now downloading the current BSG: Beyond the Red Line patch to see what is updated. Looking forward to this and can't wait for this to be completed. Have you seen that BtRL won the 2007 Mod of the year award?
Buleste 17:26 4th March 2008
And it deserves it. Besides if the official game is getting such crap scores then it's hardly surprising BtRL gets the awards.

Just loaded up TBP for the first time in ages and seen the intro again. To think that 14 years ago graphics of a poorer quality were being done an Video Toasters and A4000's and were state of the art and now you can get better graphics in a computer game.
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