Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Your favourite Public Domain games?
Harrison 22:47 21st January 2008
I want to start adding some of the best Public Domain games to the site's database. Therefore can I ask for everyone to list their favourite Amiga PD games here so we can get a list of the best ones going and this can be used to add them to the site.

We will also need screenshots for each of these games. Between 10-20 screenshots per game is a great number to show visitors all aspects of a game. If you can make some screenshots of your favourite PD games that would be brilliant and speed up the whole process.

And if you have direct links to the game's ADF files that would be great too as we would like to include these for download on the site too.
Demon Cleaner 19:47 23rd January 2008
I never had any PD games, therefore I cannot name any. But I would really like to test some, looking forward to see what you post.
Buleste 08:40 24th January 2008
I always enjoyed scorched tanks.
Graham Humphrey 08:53 24th January 2008
Here's a few (I'll try and find some links later):

Scorched Tanks
Gravity Power
Tetris Pro
Diamond Caves
Jet Set Willy '97
FaYoh 2
Jump 'n' Roll
Tanks 'n' Stuff
Atom Smasher
Super Obliteration
Strikes 'n' Spares
Aerial Racers
Breed 96
Harrison 10:57 24th January 2008
We already have Deluxe Galaga and Pacman on the site including downloads. But some links to the others you listed would be great. Some great games there that I've not played in years.
Graham Humphrey 19:09 24th January 2008
Got a few links in there now... they are all .lha files though as they are from Aminet. Not all of them will fit on floppy so you couldn't host them on the site as ADFs.

Also several of these games were on magazine coverdisks as well, so might have to track them down.

Just had a thought actually... some of these lha files will fit on floppy so I guess some of us could create ADFs ourselves? But I was thinking if we go down that route then maybe it could be a good idea if the site had its own PD compilation disks like the old Assassins ones? But without all the dodgy SEUCK games

I'd happily put a few together, maybe with some of the ones I listed and maybe if anyone has any requests then they could be included too (although this obviously only applies to those games that comfortably fit on a floppy disk)

They could have a proper menu system and things too, so it would be easy just to boot it in WinUAE and away you go. It could also be good for beginners who don't want to fiddle about with HDFs and lha and the like, or those people like Demon Cleaner who have never played PD games before and need a good introduction to them

Also you wouldn't need to host as many files as a few of these could fit on an ADF. What do y'all think of this idea, could it work?
Cortona 12:52 9th September 2008
My favourite was Scorched Tanks - so simple but so much fun after a night at the pub! I also liked Extreme Violence, another two player effort with some interesting weapons and sound effects. I still have these on my A1200's HD.
Amigapd 21:28 13th March 2011
Back in October last year I created a website focussing just on Amiga public domain games - I have recently added a self booting compilation cd for the cd32 or winuae emulator and I have now added a CF hard drive image of the compilation for Amiga 1200 users - the compilations contain 250+ amiga public domain games and shareware demos. link for Amiga 1200 compilation link for cd32 compilation
Ghost 18:50 9th June 2013
I hope people don't mind me resurrecting this 'dead' topic but I wanted tor respond to the last poster's (yeah two years ago) post.

I think I discovered his site around then and have been able to play some PD gems I otherwise would not have been able to play.

Super Obliteration is one of my favorites but I also liked, Scorched Tanks, Zombie Apocalypse, and I have really been trying to get into the Shepherd as it looks intriguing.