Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: And so it begins (again)
Harrison 17:18 12th February 2008
So you finally realised the secret agenda behind war based games! And Cannon Fodder has possibly the best title song ever to entice new recruits! I bet that would attract much more media attention these days than it did back then.
J T 16:24 13th February 2008
Yeah, FPSs may help but they'll only try 'rocket jumping' once.
Harrison 16:26 13th February 2008
We should get the Taliban interested in FPS. Would be a quick way to get rid of them all. Just picture them trying a rocket jump with their RPGs!
AlexJ 20:39 4th March 2008
They're off again...

"However, someone sitting at a computer playing a video game, or someone with one of those small devices that young people have these days, the name of which I forget… PlayStations or PSPs, something of that kind.

"Well, whatever they are called, when people play these things, they can interact. They can shoot people; they can kill people.
" - Keith Vaz MP

Wow, talk about bandwagon jumping. The guy didn't even do enough research to find out the name of the console, and then describes a game which doesn't exist. However kudos where it's due to the BBFC for defending the industry for once.
Buleste 20:54 4th March 2008
Keith Vaz is an un ashamed tosser. He was a new Labour leading light until they realised what a knob he is. He's often quoted and mentioned on my local news programme as he's from the midlands and so far i've not heard him come out with any sensible comment.
Harrison 20:57 4th March 2008
And these are the people making the decisions that run our lives! How scary is that?!
Buleste 21:04 4th March 2008
Originally Posted by Harrison:
And these are the people making the decisions that run our lives! How scary is that?!
About George W. Bush scary.
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