Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: A game for all the family
Buleste 14:26 11th January 2008
This story goes to show how small a world it is.

Twins separated at birth and adopted by separate parents later married each other without realising they were brother and sister.

The pair were granted an annulment after a High Court judge ruled the marriage had never validly existed.

The identities of the British pair and details of the relationship and marriage have been kept secret.

But it is known that they were separated soon after birth.

They were never told they were twins.

They did not discover they were blood relatives until after the wedding.

The case was uncovered by Lord Alton in a conversation with a High Court judge.

He used it to highlight perceived deficiencies in the Human Embryology and Tissues Bill, currently going through Parliament.

Harrison 16:49 11th January 2008
Should that really be posted in the humour section?
Buleste 17:03 11th January 2008
Sorry. Probably should have gone elsewhere.
Ghost 03:53 12th January 2008
Well thats great.

You find yourself a girl you really dig, you really like to hang out with and plan to spend what you hope to be the rest of your life with her, getting kids, growing old.

Then suddenly you get to hear that she is actually your biological sister.

I think that would be very depressing for such a person, and probably a lot of anger too.
Harrison 03:55 12th January 2008
It would definitely be very hard to come to terms with and to accept. There would be a lot of confusion. Not something I would wish anyone to have to go through.
J T 08:50 12th January 2008
There is a similar story line running in Hollyoaks. Talk about life imitating art.

OK, I use 'art' as tenuously as humanly possible, but you dig?

Also, someone make a bad taste joke, quick. I can't think of any right now *shock*