Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: WinUAE 1.4.6 public beta #5
Demon Cleaner 17:20 10th January 2008
Beta #5

Originally Posted by :
Beta 5: (1.4.6 will be probably released soon after works again)

- fixed wrong input device GUID format in config files
- ´friendlyname´ mapping didn´t work if device name had trailing whitespace (like USB ProComp ´USB 2A4K GamePad ´)
- C00000 and F00000 relocated beta/special KS roms supported (200000 already supported long time ago)
- A3000 official confirmed 2.04 ROM added (37.132 internal rom version, 37.175 shown in "insert disk" screen..)
- possible crash when switching >2M chip setting from/to 0M Fast RAM configuration
- removed bogus "P96: display resolution list corruption" log message if biggest available resolution required more RTG RAM than available
- directory filesystem ACTION_EXAMINE_ALL is now "compatible" with FFS implementation. (workaround for older Scalos ExAll bugs that caused missing icons. Probably fixes other bad programs too..)
* eac_Entries is now always at least 1 if continuation flag is set
* keep returning ERROR_NO_MORE_ENTRIES even if previous call already returned ERROR_NO_MORE_ENTRIES
