Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: Top 100 Discussions thread
Tiago 10:19 8th February 2008
when do we pass to Stage Two ? We allready have a huge list....
Harrison 10:34 8th February 2008
I was thinking next week. I think most people have now voted. I will double check the nominations and PM anyone who still hasn't voted on Monday. Then will send out a general PM announcing stage one will end next Friday to get everyone a chance to update and finalise their lists.
Demon Cleaner 10:39 8th February 2008
I finally decided to vote today, but it was quite tough to find 100 games. I'm sure I missed even better ones, but that is quite normal, and the usual suspects are all present
Harrison 19:38 29th February 2008
I will be closing stage one some time in March, so if you haven't yet posted your list of games to nominate please do so as soon as you can to prevent you missing out on the chance to get your favourite games into the final list of stage 1.

And for all those who have already submitted your lists, please amend them if needed before time runs out.

I will announce the closing of stage 1 and move on to stage 2 in the next couple of weeks.
Tiago 16:29 19th March 2008
Master, how many usual users are yet to vote? Will we move to next stage soon?
Harrison 16:32 19th March 2008
I will be going through and checking this next week, and will PM any members who have yet to submit a vote to give them a few days to get some nominations in. Then I will close stage 1 and we can begin stage 2.
Tiago 12:07 2nd May 2008
are we ready to pass to stage two?
Harrison 12:13 2nd May 2008
As soon as I get time I will move it on to stage 2. As soon as I have all of the forum updates finished.
Puni/Void 15:40 2nd May 2008
Looking forward to stage two. It will be interesting to see which titles remain of all those that has been proposed.
Harrison 15:44 2nd May 2008
We definitely have a great selection to pick from.
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