Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: IGN top 100 games of all time
Harrison 11:22 8th January 2008
Here is something interesting that I'm sure everyone here will have something to say about. IGN released a TOP 100 games of ALL time feature towards the end of 2007.

Have a look at it

IGN always has a lot of great content, but as most of you probably know IGN is a very US orientated gaming site. And this is badly displayed in this supposed top 100 of all time. They kick things off by stating that this list has been created by more than 30 editors from all over the world, which got me very hopeful that this could be a very good mix of games from all of the world, but after looking through the 100 games included I have to question if this actually meant any editors outside of the US!

It begins well with Archon at 100, even listing the C64 as one of the platforms. So a promising start. But it then falls flat on it's face. Looking through the rest of the games you quickly see a very Nintendo and PC orientated line-up.

I do agree with the best of the PC and Nintendo games they have included, but definitely not with a lot of them.

They included Silent Hill 2 instead of the original. The sequel didn't really introduce any innovation we hadn't already seen in the genre evolving original. Therefore the original should have been included, not the sequel. Same with Baldur's Gate II being included instead of the first. At least the great RPG titles such as Planescane Torment and Chrono Trigger did make the mix.

But it gets worst. Have a look at entry 82, Syndicate. They correctly state it was developed by the UK developer Bullfrog but then don't even list the Amiga among the Platform releases. The platform it was developed on! Instead they include all the crap console ports and the PC and Mac. The CD32 gets a passing mention in the Fun Facts box, but that is all!

And I saw no mention of the European 8-bit systems. So the original BBC version of Elite isn't there for example. Or the Amiga sequel Frontier.

What are your thoughts about this top 100?