Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: Firefox 3
Harrison 12:46 6th June 2008
Want to become? I thought they already were? They are worth more than any other software company. I just checked Forbes and they are estimated to currently be worth $253.15 Billion and are ranked as 7th richest company in the Global 2000 list on there.

Companies higher up that list are unsurprisingly mostly Oil/Gas Operations, with PetroChina heading the list, with an estimated $546.14 Billion! Why are our petrol prices still going up???
Buleste 12:57 6th June 2008
They aren't there yet as people still get to tell them what to do Like internet standards and the EU. They'll only be happy when they have free reign to do anything they want.
Harrison 13:55 6th June 2008
They may not have in reality, but you forget that they are American. Therefore they are already under this misconception that they do already have free reign to do anything that want!
Buleste 14:00 6th June 2008
Lets face it M$ aren't American. They're their own corporate nation and will probably end up buying their own little country so that they can operate however they want.
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