Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: Your best Christmas Presents this year?
Demon Cleaner 05:29 27th December 2007
I only got one thing, and that is the Silent Möbius collection (Anime) from my gf. My parents don't buy me presents anymore and vice versa. It was the same thing every year, so some years ago, we simply stopped buying each other presents.
Harrison 12:09 27th December 2007
That is a little sad to only get one present.

I like buying my parents presents so I can see their faces opening them. I managed to get some great books for them both this year which they both loved. But it is more fun with presents for my gf. She is very good as guessing what is in any wrapped present so I have to keep coming up with more genius methods of hiding what they really are each year. Last year I wrapped jewellery up in a present, and then put it into a huge box and wrapped that up. She didn't guess it. And this year she thought she had a board game for her main present as it was the only one under the tree, but i had hidden her real present in her Christmas stocking hanging on the side and she hadn't guessed anything was in it until I said she should look.
Graham Humphrey 14:26 27th December 2007
Didn't get many presents but I was quite pleased with what I did get - a spiffy Norwich City sweatshirt and a couple of old season review videos, The Wombats album (which is great), the Mock The Week DVD (which is totally ace), and a couple of other bits.

Most Hurtful Present Of The Year Award: A shower gel/deodrant set from one of my friends - I think she's trying to tell me something...
Harrison 14:38 27th December 2007
Not as bad as my sister. She bought me a shower gel/deodorant Lynx set, which I have to say she does every year, but then I had another present from her and it was exactly the same. So she had bought me two lots this year!
Graham Humphrey 14:48 27th December 2007
Yeah I got the Lynx one, too... I didn't get two sets though, thankfully
v85rawdeal 15:46 27th December 2007
I got the Vice set from my daughter.... Which was sweet (I let her off because she is only 2 years old)
StuKeith 15:59 27th December 2007
I got smellys again from the sis in law! got some last year too!

I still haven't used them from 2 xmas ago either! I tend to stick with lynx.
Submeg 21:59 27th December 2007
Bah the smellies....I say if you dont have any good ideas, just give me music vouchers! Scored 12 cds this year!
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