Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Do you Doctor Who?
Buleste 19:26 25th December 2007
Just watched the latest Christmas special of Doctor Who "Voyage of the Damned". I have to say i enjoyed it. Not too serious but still action packed. In fact so good i've downloaded it on BBC iplayer. And next season looks good even though Cathrine Tate's back. Besides, it's got Bernard Cribbins in so it's got to be good.
Harrison 19:35 25th December 2007
Yes, I watched it too and thought it was great. I bet Doctor Who now has a nice big smile on his face, having kissed Kylie!

The preview for the new series does look good too, but I am a bit concerned Catherine Tate might ruin it as she humour gets old fast. After all, I've not seen any new gags or jokes in her comedy sketches since the first episode of the first series. In fact I've not yet worked out why anyone things her funny! I hope therefore she plays it more seriously.
Buleste 20:03 25th December 2007
Guarenteed Cathrine Tate will say "I'm not Bovvered" at least once as the character she plays seems to be a grwn up version of the "Am i Bovvered?" girl.

However U.N.I.T., Bernard Cribbins, Felicity Kendall and a few other people from the '70s and early '80s means that Russel T Davis has had a whale of a time reliving his childhood. Especially after the Children in Need special. Boy was it good to see Peter Davison again with his celery.
Ghost 01:04 26th December 2007
Hello all,

[spoiler alert]

To be honest, except for Mr Copper character which I found a likeable character I really didn't care much for this episode.
Perhaps it was my expectation of seeing an historical episode of Dr Who taking place on the human Titanic, I found the story becoming more and more far fetched the moment I realised it was a spaceship.

For a while I thought this was some human built retro design spacecraft, all the 'human' crewmembers and passengers did give that idea, but that idea was also rapidly shot down when I discovered it was on 'present day' Earth.
I know in the past the sci-fi shows had to rely on the concept of 'exactly human like alien' because of budget limitations and the quality of special effects, but now they didn't even try to hide it any more.

Perhaps it is the Sci-Fi geek in me but they could have said some line of the people of Sto being transplanted humans; humans brough to another planet by aliens.

As for the story itself, it was actually pretty simple if you put the clues in the beginning together.

PS. would the people of London really flee to the country every Christmas should if there were alien spacecraft encounters the two years before?
If anything I would expect the airspace to be filled with jet fighters.
Harrison 13:18 26th December 2007
The thing that has annoyed me with the new Doctor Who series' is robots. Every baddy in the last two Doctor's stories have mainly all been robots or cyborgs. Why? The stories of past series contained many different threats, including many alien lifeforms. I just wish for some variety other than robots and cyborgs.

With the Christmas special being a case in point. A complete Cyberman copy with the robots and the main controller being a cyborg.

Don't get me wrong, the recent Cyberman and the Dalek episodes were all great, but look at the rest. Robot Santa's were the other Christmas for example.

We need some more imagination injected into the series.

Although you could equally argue the the series is staying relatively true to tradition when you think about many of the episodes.