Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: Your first memory?
Harrison 20:51 10th January 2007
Oh yeah, I see your point. It is amazing to think that some of the best SNES games could fit on a floppy disk. But then some of the best Amiga games did come on a single floppy disk at the same time.

But also, at that time 800KB of data was viewed as being quite big. These days it's considered very small.
J T 20:54 10th January 2007
Exactly, a reasonably high res high quality JPEG can be that size or more.

Also, I guess the physical size of the carts (and the chips therein) - think about how small say an SD card is, and they can hold 4gb! And probably have miles better read/write rates.

Incredible how things have moved on.
Harrison 21:00 10th January 2007
I was thinking about the size SD cards had become only the other day. It was when sitting playing my PSP. I suddenly thought how it was quite amazing that I was now about to use a 4GB solid state storage device in a portable system when only 10 years ago we were being amazed by the first 1GB harddrives for our computers.
Toasty667 10:44 3rd May 2007
Ah yes the first memory. But of course in those days I was only a tea boy.

A mate had an Amiga 600, loved the graphics. Think he was playing a game called Doddle Bug? It was a platformer but I bet if that's not the title that doesnt narrow it down much! I'm not sure if it was totally due to this but I bought loads of issues of Amiga Power at least a year before I got one just due to being facinated with it. Cant remember if I saw his 600 first or got the magazines first (I've got a Goldfish memory). Then one birthday I got my A1200! Loved it. It came with Trolls, Pinball Dreams (I think) and a football game. Was blown away. I only had a small amount of games due to pocket money but still had loadsa fun. But I had amassed a great deal of cover disks by that point. Pitty not all were compatable but at least with the A1200 I got to play Gloom.
Harrison 10:52 3rd May 2007
Did you ever use the Relokick 1.3 disk with the A1200? It rebooted the machine into a kickstart 1.3 system and most games that would not run as standard on the A1200 worked perfectly.

As for that platform game, it was probably DoodleBug: Bug Bash 2, so you were pretty much right. Sorry there are no images for this game on the site yet.
Toasty667 11:03 3rd May 2007
Originally Posted by Harrison:
Did you ever use the Relokick 1.3 disk with the A1200? It rebooted the machine into a kickstart 1.3 system and most games that would not run as standard on the A1200 worked perfectly.

As for that platform game, it was probably DoodleBug: Bug Bash 2, so you were pretty much right. Sorry there are no images for this game on the site yet.
Doh never knew about that! Oh well still had some good stuff. Seriously by the time FPS's arrived I was thankful for the 1200. Just got Gloom working again perfectly on winuae and it brought my memories back instantly. Was funny because I remembered the first couple of levels and most of the locations where you got ambushed! Funny how a reminder can trigger your old memories like that.
Harrison 11:18 3rd May 2007
Tell me about it. That happens a lot to me, especially with Amiga games when I test them when adding something for the site. I often start playing them and suddenly it all comes flooding back. Where baddies are, the layout of levels, secret areas etc... I even remembered a load of the rune combinations for the spells in Dungeon Master when I loaded it up recently! mad!
Demon Cleaner 12:04 3rd May 2007
I still know some of the games by heart, mostly on the C64 though. That's the same thing than with a song, you didn't hear it for 15 years, listen to it, and immediately sing the lyrics whilst hearing. Would we always have such a memory.
Harrison 12:22 3rd May 2007
Unless we all develop dementia! One good reason to be making the main site. If one day we all forget about everything at least we will be able to visit the site and read what we once knew.
Demon Cleaner 14:25 3rd May 2007
We're so much involved in the whole scene, I don't think we will forget for our whole life.
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