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Thread: iPhone
Buleste 16:42 3rd May 2008
Originally Posted by v85rawdeal:
And do you really want to be seen walking along, with your hand in your pocket, fiddling all the time...
Seen???? No.
J T 10:27 6th May 2008
Originally Posted by Harrison:
OK, I will admit that they often make some nice products. But they are never perfect. The iPhone for example has a crap low res camera compared to others these days, has no WiFi which is really bad for something promoted as a media system, is really crap as an actual phone, and doesn't even have 3G! But the fans are lapping it up because it is from Apple.
Well, nothing ever is. Rumour has it that these ones are being banged out cheap ready for the newer model which should have 3G capabilities and be able to do MMS and stuff. Depends on what people are willing to go without. My K810 does 3G but I switched off the 3G reception as I simply never use it.

The iphone does do wi-fi, otherwise browsing would be soooooo slow (and for those not actually on the officiall 'iphone contract' ruinously expensive). While I would no way think it is the best thing ever (often mocked by being called the jesusphone) it is a neat bit of kit for sure. Flawed, yes. Worthy of all the adulation and unconditional praise? No. A bloody good phone/MP3 playing solution? Oh yes.
Harrison 10:39 6th May 2008
Hmm... so it does have WiFi. I remember reading in the original previews of the phone that it didn't. I think in reality the preview phones much have just had it disabled. I did a quick search and WiFi can be hard to get working on the iPhone according to a lot of users.
Stephen Coates 13:48 24th April 2011
Originally Posted by TiredOfLife:
Like every other mobile phone, it's just a tracking device.
Looks like TiredOfLife was right about it being a tracking device.

Who heard the news recently about iPhones keeping track of the whereabouts of their users?

I'm not sure what it would need to do that for
Harrison 10:18 26th April 2011
The reason for tracking was an idea that has existed since the development of the 3G network began years ago. The idea was to track where you and your mobile device were and be able to target you with mobile content relating to your location. So for example you would be walking past a shop and receive a special offer message on your mobile device, such as a food discount.

I expect Apple are using this data for more than this though. Like Google build up a profile of your internet habits based on your search engine results, I expect Apple want to track iPhone users locations to see where concentrated locations of their customer base are so they can try to increase App marketting to specifically target revenue streams within those locations.

Apple are after all only in it for the money.
Shoonay 16:39 15th October 2011

Harrison 12:50 17th October 2011
So much for family friendly Apple products!

Actually, it is surprising how slowly voice recognition has really developed since the 90s. Probably has been waiting like a lot of technology to catch up with device processing power to actually become useful. Although has anyone tried Google Translate? I've got the Android app and it works pretty well. Converts anything you say on the fly into any other language. Pretty cool, and very useful.
J T 00:04 18th October 2011
Originally Posted by :
Actually, it is surprising how slowly voice recognition has really developed since the 90s. Probably has been waiting like a lot of technology to catch up with device processing power to actually become useful
Don't these new ones just send a recording of the voice to a powerful server? So the actual mobile device isn't really doing the processing. I'm sure I read that somewhere. I remember when my friend got a phone with voice dialling back in 98 I think. It was hilariously shit.

I've tried Google Translate, it was quite neat. It worked much better than Google Goggles, which didn't really do much when I tried it, failing to recognise pretty much everything that I tried it with.
Harrison 10:57 18th October 2011
Google Goggles is an interesting idea, but I also couldn't get it to recognise anything I tried other than a playing card.

As for voice recognition, I'm not sure how Google are doing their recognition, maybe it is utilising their servers, but it seems to be working much better than anything else I've ever tried before, and with it built into Android other app makers are utilising it too. The Dictionary App works well with it, which is useful if you just can't work out how to spell a word, as you can just speak it and find out. Great for dyslexic people like me.
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