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Thread: iPhone
Buleste 11:36 9th January 2008
I remember when 64k was a huge amount of memory. And 640k well thats just Super computer terretory.
Harrison 11:45 9th January 2008
Me too. I remember getting my Amstrad CPC464 and thinking how cool it was to have a whole 64K of ram. At the time I was comparing this to my friend's Spectrums with 48K or ram and the BBC A's with their 16K.

I also remember in the 90's when I was still a dedicated Amiga user and many were moving over to the PC. A friend built a new PC with 96MB of ram and that really blew me away compared to my A4000 with it's 18MB of ram.

If someone had told me back in the Amiga days that in 15 years time I would be using a PC with 3GB of ram I wouldn't have believed them. That amount of ram does still seem quite mad. And you can now get server grade motherboards that support 64GB of ram.
Buleste 11:49 9th January 2008
The worst one is hard drives. My first Hard drive for my 1200 was a whopping 170Mb which beat my mates 60 MB. And now i have more than that in RAM on my 1200. In fact i've got free USB sticks with more than that.
Buleste 12:31 17th January 2008
Just thought you mike like this cartoon iscuff
sarek2k 03:00 19th January 2008
anyway back on topic here iPhone(touch) i saw a youtube video with a guy attacking an iTouch screen with a razor blade / key / Safety pin etc and not even a scratch on it, i've not linked it here cause you all know how you use youtube anyway point being
what it didnt show was the back some kind of alu/mettalic surface scratches like **** even with kid gloves bah what a ****ing pointless excersize!

High shine devices might look the dogs bollocks for a couple of days but after a week or so looks like it's been rubbed by em

I got a Sony K800i for xmas and i'm so happy with the phone camera combo and in some areas it's burries the iPhone! (3g / Proper Camera with xenon flash or is it xeon maybe thinking about the amiga game loL) speaking of which it has a good little joystick for games if you have smaller bucketless mits
Harrison 07:12 19th January 2008
My GF has the K800i and it is a nice phone, if a little bit chunky. The processor is nice and fast and as you say it has a good camera. You mentioned the little navigation joystick. This is actually something a lot of people complain about with Sony phones as they can be fiddly to use, and as with my GF's phone they can stick and not always respond. The newer K770i seems to be slightly better as it is much thinner and replaces the joystick with a flat rocker pad.

I've got a Samsung E900 which is a great little phone but it's processor isn't as fast and you do notice some lag when looking through images while it loads up the preview thumbnails, and it's got one annoying "feature". The main buttons for menu, cancel, call etc... are all touch buttons that are hidden when the phone's slide is closed and then light up white when open. It looks great, but they can equally be very annoying as you can sometimes accidentally touch the cancel button while doing something, which instantly cancels it and returns you to the front screen.
v85rawdeal 08:29 19th January 2008
I hear that one of the girls in Portsmouth Guildhall Square has jumped on the bandwagon and rebranded herself as an 'iSuck'
Stephen Coates 10:27 19th January 2008
I have a Nokia 3510i which has been switched on for about 20 minutes since February 2007. Great for playing snake on!
sarek2k 12:14 19th January 2008
Originally Posted by :
I've got a Samsung E900 which is a great little phone but it's processor isn't as fast and you do notice some lag when looking through images while it loads up the preview thumbnails, and it's got one annoying "feature". The main buttons for menu, cancel, call etc... are all touch buttons that are hidden when the phone's slide is closed and then light up white when open. It looks great, but they can equally be very annoying as you can sometimes accidentally touch the cancel button while doing something, which instantly cancels it and returns you to the front screen.
Tell me about it that was my old phone and everything you mentioned is what i experienced, the wife has it now she seems to be getting along better with it.

I heard bad things about the joystick on the k800i too but my old k500 had one and i found that ok apart from no micro switches, however i much prefer the stick than using the keys (as they are really tiny and bad enough to txt with)
J T 22:18 28th April 2008
Any one in the UK interested in an iPhone should have noticed that the 8GB version has dropped to 169 sterlings.

You don't have to sign up for the contract in the store. You pays your money, you gets your phone.

You activate it at home and sign up for the contract through iTunes. By which I mean use a ridiculously straightforward program to unlock it for any SIM and any network


And so, it's a very nice looking bit of kit. The touch screen is a breeze, so neat to use and very intuitive. I have to say that the web-browsing is better than anything I've seen on a mobile before. On screen QWERTY keyboard and great SMS handling.

I'm really very tempted to get one to keep (and not flog on ebay as I have done), for the ease of having music and telephone in one as I currently carry both around.

It's not all good though, no MMS support without MASSIVE ****ing around and the stupid headphone jack is too deeply recessed for many headphones.

So anyway, iPhone chat here guys...
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