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Thread: Random Rants
Demon Cleaner 04:17 25th October 2012
The Onkyo receivers are quite good, all the others like Denon or Marantz f.ex, had only 1 HDMI output, whereas I really need 2, for the TV and for the beamer. Also the Onkyo has 7 HDMI inputs, I need already 5 of them.

The Onkyo (616) has also 160W output/channel (Onkyo 717 has 170W), all the others only come with 100W or such.

I also have this nice remote called oRemote on my iPad, which works really good and looks very nice.

And I know how the Onkyo works, and how to set it up without checking manuals anymore, which is time consuming. I have to mention that as long as it was working, it was really nice, has superb sound, loads of options and a lot of inputs.

The processing via Qdeo works like a charm, plus the 717 has also 4k upscaling.

I mainly bought the 616 because it got so many positive reviews and awards, and like I said, as long as it worked (before the lightning struck), everything was just fine, and I was enjoying my music on it like I never did before. Only when the HDMI board broke it started to make this problems. One of the guys from the reseller also uses the 616, and he doesn't have problems at all. Btw, it's him who gave me the box to send it back to Onkyo, as he kept it.

Probably he's coming this afternoon to give me the 717. Let's hope so, because then everything should be fine again.
Harrison 09:53 25th October 2012
They definitely look like very nice receivers. I would personally be put off by the common HDMI problem across the range, although as you say it has all the inputs and options you could need.

Not sure what other makes could match the spec either. My Sony has everything I need, but would be no good for you as only has 4 HDMI in.
Demon Cleaner 10:50 25th October 2012
Originally Posted by Harrison:
I would personally be put off by the common HDMI problem across the range
But as I mentioned, the 717 doesn't seem to have that problem.

Here's the "The *Official* Onkyo TX-NR414/515/616 Problems Thread", you might have a look.

However, they need to fix this problem as fast as possible, I think it got already better, if not perfect with the latest firmware update, but unfortunately mine cannot even write to the flash anymore, thus the update fails.
Demon Cleaner 13:15 27th October 2012
I got the 717 yesterday, and it works like a charm, everything is fine now. Hopefully I won't have any problems with this one. I'm happy again

But I had to go back to the doctor yesterday, as Im still coughing and sneezing, despite of taking antibiotics for 12 days. I have to do a bloodtest on Monday, and he also prescribed me different antibiotics again for 10 days. I hope that I will get soon better, as this starts to be annoying. And tomorrow we go to one of the nicest restaurants here in Luxembourg, and we're gonna have a 10 course menu, everything based on mushrooms, and I really hope that I will feel better tomorrow than today, otherwise I won't even taste the food. It's for my birthday, which was on the 13th, but I was sick, and anyway by parents were on holiday. And like this, they pay for the meal
Harrison 20:30 27th October 2012
10 courses? Wow. I love mushrooms but can't imagine eating all those courses based on them. Let me know what you have?

And happy belated birthday too. Shame you couldn't enjoy it, and I hope you get better soon.

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Stephen Coates 21:03 27th October 2012
I assume the courses will be small if there are 10 of them?

Personally, I'm not too keen on mushrooms.
Demon Cleaner 12:52 29th October 2012
Of course they are quite small, but very fancy. It was really amazing, and I enjoyed every course there was. I will write down what I had, but obviously the menu is in french, and I guess you won't understand everything.

1st. Amuse-bouche, petit cocktail
2nd. Crème de cèpes, poitrine de porc confite, foie gras, migas
3rd. Coquilles St Jacques, pâte maison torsadée, trompettes de la mort, sauce pesto
4th. Sorbet à la pomme verte, cardamome
5th. Filet de bar rôti, jambon <pata negra>, girolles, purée de patates douces
6th. Caille en deux services, roussillous, oignons fanes, ail confit
7th. Fromage <Tou dels tillers>, gélatine de vin moelleux, kaki
8th. Granité au citron vert, pomme grenade, meringue au fruit de la passion
9th. Gâteau aux myrtilles, glace aux amandes
10th. Mignardises

The 6th course came in 2 services, so you got one plate first, after you finished, you got a second different one. And if you notice, in the end there was 4 desserts (if you count the cheese as dessert)
Harrison 13:58 29th October 2012
So did they all really contain mushrooms?

I understood quite a lot of it as French is retained in a lot of food names. Definitely has made me hungry reading it.
Demon Cleaner 14:37 29th October 2012
Besides obviously the desserts, they all had mushrooms.

1st was appetisers, canapés

2nd. Cèpes = Porcini (strange english name)
3rd. Trompettes de la mort = Horn of plenty

4th was ice cream.

5th. Girolles = Chanterelle (that's also another french word, but apparently it's called like that in english too)
6th. Roussillou = (no idea what this one is called, my father knew yesterday what it's called in german, but I cannot remember)

The rest were desserts.
Harrison 09:51 4th June 2013
Does the battery have a manufactured date in it? Many do. But I've never had an issue with older batteries not charging, only batteries failing due to the amount of use. Might just be a faulty one. At least being new you can take it back.

And are you sure it's the battery, and the console can charge it ok?

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