Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Council delays meeting by an hour!
Stephen Coates 14:42 20th December 2007
You may have heard on the news recently that Dolly Parton came to Rotherham to launch her imagination library the other week.

However, Rotherham Council had to delay one of their meetings by an hour in order to accomodate her. This was quite contoversial, according to the local newspaper. Quite a few people were not happy that Dolly had been made more important than the meeting, and according to last weeks paper, this controversy had made it's way into the national and international news.

I was just wondering if anyone here had seen/heard anything about this in the national news.
Harrison 15:12 20th December 2007
I saw the bit about Dolly Parton on the national news the other week when she did visit, but thought she was already in Rotherham, when in fact she was in London!

But nothing about delayed council meetings. Not surprising as we all know that northerners don't like change!