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Thread: The Hobbit
Buleste 09:21 19th December 2007
Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh have signed up to be Executive Producers on "The Hobbit" and it's sequel? If you want a bit more detail goto but still nothing on what the Hobbit sequel is.
v85rawdeal 09:37 19th December 2007
Now THAT is great news, looks like PJ has sorted out his problems with New Line then.

At last, another movie to look forward to!
Buleste 09:39 19th December 2007
This is it though there are to be two films. "The Hobbit" and it's sequel but as LOTR was written as a sequel wtf is the second film going to be???
v85rawdeal 09:42 19th December 2007
The Silmarillion???

Although that, to me, would be like someone trying to film Ulysses by James Joyce.

Maybe its Bilbo's Last Song

or more likely to be The Children of Hurin!
Buleste 09:49 19th December 2007
I don't think the Silmarillion will ever be filmed due to the creation story at the start and it would be too difficult for most to get their heads around as it is and would loose too much if it was dumbed down. Any body know if any further adventures of Bilbo were written in the History of Middle Earth series?
Sharingan 10:41 19th December 2007
I wouldn't mind it if they actually made a film (or series of films) based on the background material offered in The Silmarillion, provided the storyline is coherent enough. There's just so much stuff in there - a film depicting the War of Wrath against Morgoth would be totally sweet. Maybe even about the events from when Sauron first came to power, ending with his defeat against the Last Alliance.

I want to see dragons! Giant spiders! Balrogs! Not just some weakling orcs!
Harrison 12:59 19th December 2007
It is great news the The Hobbit is finally going to be made. The only issue with it is that now the LOTR trilogy has been completed many fans of the films (who haven't read the books) might think The Hobbit quite tame by comparison. But if done correctly, The Hobbit gives a much greatest focus on the Hobbits, how they live, and how insecure and insular they are,compared with how they are depicted in LOTR.

One section of the book I look forward to seeing on the big screen is when they venture into the Goblin's cave, Bilbo finds the ring and meets Gollum. Oh, and of course the Dragon!

As for a sequel, I'm not sure what that would be either. For it to be a sequel it would have to follow on from the end of The Hobbit, so The Silmarillion wouldn't be my first guess. There have since been a lot of History of MiddleEarth books published by Tolkien's son, using his father's notes, so maybe they will use something from those.
Buleste 17:05 19th December 2007
Just found out on a different website the first film is The Hobbit and the second film is the missing years in between Hobbit and Fellowship. So expect Chris Lee, Viggo, Cate Blanchett etc in second film. And of course Sir Ian McKellen as Gandalf, Andy Sirkis as Gollum and hopefully Sir Ian Holm as Bilbo.
Harrison 17:08 19th December 2007
Is there any info on actors for the first Hobbit film? They could have the same actor for Gandalf as the the character is meant to be very old anyway, but they would definitely need to use a younger actor for Bilbo.
Buleste 17:15 19th December 2007
No info on any of the cast but as for Bilbo it would mean redoing the start to the Fellowship as we have already seen Ian Holm as Bilbo finding the ring and that would just be another Anakin at end of Jedi thing. One thing you can be sure of and thats that most of the cost of the film we be in actors wages as all of them have increased in value since LOTR.
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