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Thread: What are you doing for Christmas?
Harrison 15:40 21st December 2007
Exactly. No point worrying today about what might happen tomorrow.
Demon Cleaner 15:50 21st December 2007
Originally Posted by Buleste:
Enjoy the moment. If it all goes to pieces tomorrow then worry about that tomorrow. Enjoy the now.
You're probably right, but that's easier to say than to do.
Buleste 20:42 21st December 2007
I know it is but all the doubts and fears you are having are going to make everything you worry about come true. Tomorrow the world could end and if you'd spent all of today worrying about it you'd be mightily pissed off when it happens.
Believe me i've ruined enough relationships due to worrying to know that no good ever comes of it.
Relax, let life take you where it wants to and enjoy the rollercoaster. Hope it all works out well.

Anyoe else want any couples councelling?
Sharingan 22:05 21st December 2007
And if things don't work out, you still have US
Harrison 02:16 22nd December 2007
I bet he feels a lot better knowing that!
Buleste 09:35 22nd December 2007
Originally Posted by Sharingan:
And if things don't work out, you still have US
Hmmm GF or us???? Way to make the guy suicidal.
toomanymikes 09:50 22nd December 2007
Hey, whats wrong with us?!
Nice one on the GF DC - Sounds like a match made in heaven, or should I say hell, I can never decide with you!
As for me Im off to my folks on christmas to be fed to the point of popping by my mum - she made my dad buy her a new cooker last week especially for Christmas as the last one was a bit tempremental - only one of the elements worked so christmas turkey would have been interesting!
I have to get up early as my GF start work at 7 on christmas day so we are getting our daughter up to open her presents before she goes - makes a nice change from her waking us up.
Submeg 10:33 22nd December 2007
Nice work DC. Hmm, I've also been having girl issues lately, but not of the good kind. One thing to note is to just enjoy the good times. If it gets hard, then be serious, think about things and all that, but happy times should be savoured.
rayzorblue 18:33 22nd December 2007
I'm gonna be spending Christmas with my girlfriend (Angela) and her two kids (Zoe and Laura) and yes i live in a house with three women and no its not as much fun as it sounds. I am a little nervous as i have never had kids to look after but they are pretty cool and I've been living with them for a month now and its going well so hopefully they will like there gifts and also the starters and desserts I'm making for Christmas dinner (Angela's mother and father are also coming for dinner and her kick boxer brother is coming round after ) So i am hoping the crème brulee and eton mess go down well. If not i might get my head pummelled
v85rawdeal 19:41 22nd December 2007
I have no major plans for the morning, but in the afternoon I pick up my daughter and then head to my parents for the rest of the day and boxing day too.

But I might end up heading round a friends house to help set up their new toy (next gen console... nothing to do with entrances into fields!)
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