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Thread: Off topic's off topic thread
Harrison 16:21 27th December 2007
Did anyone else have to study The Jabberwocky at school? We had to for Drama class, and then act out the poem in small groups.
v85rawdeal 16:22 27th December 2007
My first memories are the movie, then the poem and then I spent ages hunting down the book of the film.

Which I finally found in a charity shop.
Buleste 20:35 27th December 2007
Watched the film on DVD the other week. Got as a bargain from Woolworths at £3.99 One of the best buys ever.
Stephen Coates 09:53 28th December 2007
I think I've got a cold.
Sharingan 10:14 28th December 2007
Don't you hate it when retailers put stickers on DVD/CD cases that CAN'T BE REMOVED?

I spent half an hour removing one from an otherwise pristine Blu-ray disc case, and even after scrubbing and rubbing, there's still bits and pieces of it there, taunting me every time I lay my eyes on it.
Demon Cleaner 11:19 28th December 2007
Originally Posted by Sharingan:
Don't you hate it when retailers put stickers on DVD/CD cases that CAN'T BE REMOVED?

I spent half an hour removing one from an otherwise pristine Blu-ray disc case, and even after scrubbing and rubbing, there's still bits and pieces of it there, taunting me every time I lay my eyes on it.
Sorry, but the same always happens to myself.
Submeg 11:50 28th December 2007
Sheez, there are monkeys for that
Harrison 15:57 28th December 2007
Originally Posted by Demon Cleaner:
Originally Posted by Sharingan:
Don't you hate it when retailers put stickers on DVD/CD cases that CAN'T BE REMOVED?

I spent half an hour removing one from an otherwise pristine Blu-ray disc case, and even after scrubbing and rubbing, there's still bits and pieces of it there, taunting me every time I lay my eyes on it.
Sorry, but the same always happens to myself.
And even when you do successfully get the stickers off you are left with a sticky area on the cover that never seems to stop being sticky. Amazing type of glue they must use as it never dries out. And so when you accidentally place the case on a book or paper it ends up stuck to it!

Although that is nothing compared to how they used to secure cover disks to Amiga magazines! Remember that? How many Amiga magazine covers did you rip removing the disks??? And later they decided to replace the sellotape with that rubbery glue between the disk/CD and cover. That stuff took a lot of strength to detach the item from the cover, but then you were left with a big lump of very sticky rubbery stuff you had to try and deposit somewhere.
v85rawdeal 17:12 29th December 2007
Has anybody noticed the following resemblance?

Tony Blair



Buleste 17:19 29th December 2007
Originally Posted by v85rawdeal:
Has anybody noticed the following resemblance?

Tony Blair


Problem was Gollum was corrupted by a ring. What's Tony's excuse? Dubya's ring?
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