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Thread: Off topic's off topic thread
Puni/Void 17:57 16th December 2007
Amiga é um computador grande.
Submeg 22:15 16th December 2007
Lol I assume the worst but expect the best!
Tiago 08:56 17th December 2007
Originally Posted by P G:
Amiga é um computador grande.

You should say "Amiga é um grande computador", "grande" should be before the "computador"

Amiga é um computador grande -> it means : "Amiga, is a computer big in size"
Amiga é um grande computador -> it means : "Amiga, is a big/great computer"

Keep going PG !!
Buleste 09:38 17th December 2007
Originally Posted by Tiago:
Originally Posted by P G:
Amiga é um computador grande.

You should say "Amiga é um grande computador", "grande" should be before the "computador"

Amiga é um computador grande -> it means : "Amiga, is a computer big in size"
Amiga é grande computador -> it means : "Amiga, is a big/great computer"

Keep going PG !!
I think he must have a Power Tower as those are Amigas that are big in size as they take everything thats practical about haveing a Towered amiga ans stick it in a box thats almost too big to fit anywhere.
Harrison 12:21 17th December 2007
Mad! A topic is started that is meant to be completely off topic with every post, and after 10 pages what happens? It comes full circle and is completely on topic for the main theme of the whole forum. The Amiga!
Submeg 13:29 17th December 2007
Well that is going to be dissolved. I think elephants should now be given the ability to vote.
Teho 13:32 17th December 2007

This isn't the first time that has happened you know, didn't we actually get back on track after an untold number of pages in the good old Running out of HD space-topic too? Those posts may be among the ones that were lost though.
Tiago 13:32 17th December 2007
The Earth System behaves as a single, self-regulating system comprised of physical, chemical, biological and human components
Buleste 14:18 17th December 2007
The whole of life is just like watching a film. Only it's as though you always get in ten minutes after the big picture has started, and no-one will tell you the plot, so you have to work it out all yourself from the clues.

That seems to point up a significant difference between Europeans and Americans. A European says: "I can't understand this, what's wrong with me?" An American says: "I can't understand this, what's wrong with him?"

--Terry Pratchett
Teho 14:31 17th December 2007
I sometimes wonder about things that for me just.. doesn't make sense. Like seatbelts in airplanes. Think about it. What's the point? Did you ever hear the guy on the news say "today a 747 smacked into a mountain in the alps. But luckily, everyone was wearing their seatbelt."? No, you don't! So why are they making such a big deal out of it then? "Fasten your seatbelts and put you tables up", it's not like it's going to help is it! Is it some trick to stop people panicing maybe? "This is your captain speaking, we're about to hit the ground at mach 2 in about eight seconds, could everyone fasten their seatbelts please?" and people will be going "oh, right! Seatbelt.. seatbelt.. where is it.. ah! Now which part goes into" *KABLAMM*

So it's one giant lie is what it is! And, if they lie about one thing, what's to stop them from them lying about something else, huh? You know when they say "we're cruising at 8000 feet going so and so fast" how do you know that's true!? Can you judge the height by looking out the window? Most people will just have to settle for "bloody high" using that method! But what about night flights? How do you know the pilot isn't actually skimming tree-tops and loop-de-looping bridges just for kicks, huh? You have no idea, you just have to trust those notorious liars that they're actually flying calmly up there and will get you to your destination safe and sound! Well from now on, I won't! Next time I'm up there with those nutcases and hear that line "at 5000 feet and climbing" I'm just going to start screaming "AAAAAAAH OHMYGODOHMYGOD WE'RE ALL GONNA DIIIIIEEEEEE!!!". That'll show them! That'll let them know that I see right through their mindgames!

Hah! Can't fool me, no sir!

..maybe I'll just take trains from now on.
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