Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: Off topic's off topic thread
v85rawdeal 00:15 16th June 2008
Since I have been manager, I am proud to say there have only been twenty-three deaths. And not one of them was a staff member.
Buleste 15:30 20th June 2008
E chu ta!!
Harrison 16:17 20th June 2008
How Rude!
v85rawdeal 16:30 20th June 2008
I was unmarried once myself too, you know. Used to go to the pub with my mates, have a few drinks, a game of darts, a few more drinks, go for a takeaway, next thing you know, it's three in the morning and you wake up on the floor in some total strangers flat!
Puni/Void 07:57 21st June 2008
A banana, sir?
v85rawdeal 08:01 21st June 2008
You know Ronnie Corbett? He's brilliant! But he's not really small. They made him look small to fit on telly. They did it with trick photography, which is brilliant. Only they call it special effects, and they're brilliant. Like in Terminator 2. Have you seen it? It's about this bloke who can turn into a puddle and back again. Fantastic! Aren't sequels brilliant? They're the same film but with a different number, like two or three. Even bad films are great, 'cause at least they try. In the future, all films will be brilliant. In fact, everything will be brilliant in the future, with cars on monorails, brilliant silvery costumes, food in pills and probably some special futurey can-opener. Fantastic! And everything will be done by computers. Aren't computers brilliant? They can do anything! Except play football. They'd be no good in goal, but they do everything else, virtually. I'n't virtual reality brilliant? It's exactly like reality, only you wear a hat! I tried it with me brother's crash helmet and I fell down the stairs. Aren't hospitals brilliant?
Buleste 09:29 21st June 2008
You my wife now!!
Puni/Void 11:58 21st June 2008
Ich bin auslander und spreche nicht gut Deutsch.
my_lo 12:22 21st June 2008
I don't know what you're talking about but i see your point.
How can you see our point if you don't know what we're talking about?
I don't know, i see things sometimes...
Buleste 12:23 21st June 2008
Ich bin ein Auslander is a good song by PWEI.
23 63 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 83