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Thread: Off topic's off topic thread
Buleste 10:51 27th February 2008
Be on the look out for things that make you laugh. If you see nothing worth laughing at, pretend you see it, then laugh.
Harrison 11:06 27th February 2008
For fun stare at something up high in a public place and see how many people you can get to also stare at the same spot trying to work out what you are looking at, then walk away saying something like "you don't see that every day!", and then sit on a nearby bench or have a coffee at an outside cafe and see how long people continue to look for something that isn't there!
Buleste 11:12 27th February 2008
No one needs sofas that eat you!
Harrison 12:01 27th February 2008
But some may need edible sofas!
v85rawdeal 17:18 28th February 2008
Biggus Dickus!
Harrison 17:21 28th February 2008
He has a wife, you know. You know what she's called? She's called... 'Incontinentia'. 'Incontinentia Buttocks'.
Buleste 17:26 28th February 2008
Today my friend, you diary entry will read "Took a prozzie hostage and was shot by three armed bastards".
v85rawdeal 17:28 28th February 2008
Thwow him to the gwound, vewy woughly!
Buleste 17:45 28th February 2008
To pwove our fwiendship, we will welease one of our wong-doers! Who shall I welease?
v85rawdeal 18:01 28th February 2008
Welease Hawwison!!!
26 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 46 86